Yor Forger
Yor Forger
- Yor Briar (ヨル・ブライア,Yoru Buraia) (Maiden name)
- Thorn Princess (いばら姫, Ibara-hime) (Assassin code name)
- Mama (はは Haha) (byAnya Forger)
- Sis (姉さん,Nee-san?)(by Yuri Briar)
- Yorticia (ヨルティシア,Yorticia?)(Roleplaying)
Briar Family
Berlint City Hall(Publicly)
Forger Family(Publicly)
Lady Patriots Society(Publicly)
Loid Forger(Husband)
Anya Forger(Adoptive Daughter)
Bond Forger(Pet Dog)
Unnamed Mother†
Unnamed Father†
Unnamed Mother-in-Law†
Unnamed Father-in-Law
Matthew McMahon(Work Associate)
Millie Myers(Co-worker)
Dominic(Co-worker, Good Acquaintance)
Fiona Frost(Rival)
Olka Gretcher(Client)
Melinda Desmond(Friend)
“ | I Apologize for the Intrusion, But… May I Have the Honor of Taking Your Life?— Yor Forger |
” |
Yor Forger (ヨル・フォージャー, Yoru Fōjā), born Briar (ブライア, Buraia), is a central character in the SPY x FAMILY series. By day, she works as a diligent office clerk at Berlint City Hall, but she leads a double life as a skilled assassin known as the Thorn Princess (いばら姫, Ibara-hime).
To maintain her cover as an assassin while fulfilling her duties, Yor enters a sham marriage withLoid Forger, which allows both of them to achieve their individual objectives. As a result of this arrangement, she becomes the adoptive mother of Anya Forger.
Yor’s full appearance.
Yor Forger is a strikingly beautiful and graceful woman in her late twenties, possessing a slender yet curvaceous figure. She has long, straight black hair that cascades down to her mid-back, framed by short bangs that accentuate her upturned red eyes.
At home, she typically wears a semi-backless red off-shoulder sweater paired with black tights, a red skirt, and brown-heeled ankle boots. Accessories include a white headband and dangling gold earrings shaped like small spikes. When venturing outside, she dons a long beige coat—sometimes appearing pale pink—featuring black buttons, which she wears over her attire. Her hair is styled into two thick locks that cross over her head, secured with a headband and reaching below her chest.
While at Berlint City Hall, Yor adheres to the standard office uniform, which consists of a long-sleeved white shirt paired with a sleeveless green vest and a knee-length green office skirt, complemented by black heels.
In her role as an assassin, Yor wears a form-fitting halter-style black dress that accentuates her shoulders and chest. This dress features a rose choker and a striking red rose pattern on the inside of her skirt. The front of the skirt is mid-thigh length, while the back extends below her knees. She completes this look with black thigh-high boots adorned with a rose symbol at the sole and black fingerless gloves. Yor’s headband, which is gold and embellished with a rose and spikes, matches her weapons, which share the same color scheme. In this outfit, she occasionally wears red lipstick, and her hairstyle mirrors her civilian look but is styled in an elaborate updo formed from braids wrapping around her head.
Before marrying Loid, Yor’s assassin dress was her only good outfit. She wore it to a co-worker’s party, paired with a shawl, a white headband featuring a flower design, and short black heels instead of her usual thigh-high boots. After joining the Forger family, she invested in more formal attire for Eden Academy’s admissions interview. Despite this, she still embraces her black dress for cocktail occasions, such as during a trip aboard Princess Lorelei.
In her childhood, Yor had shorter hair that fell just below her chin, resembling her younger brother Yuri’s current hairstyle. As she matured, her hair gradually lengthened to its present form.

Yor’s kind nature.
Yor Forger initially appears somewhat aloof due to her lack of social skills and minimal interaction with her co-workers. She comes across as straightforward and is often described as robotic by her colleague Camilla. Despite this, Yor maintains remarkable composure during combat and exhibits extreme politeness, even asking her assassination targets for “the honor of taking their lives.” Beneath her assassin persona, she is genuinely kind, with strong maternal and big sister instincts. After forming a family with Loid and Anya, she becomes more expressive and begins to open up to her co-workers, seeking their advice on being a better wife and improving her cooking. On one occasion, after getting drunk with her colleagues, she is perceived by several, including Camilla, as “adorable” and “pure.”
Yor is fiercely protective of her faux family, especially Anya, whom she defends with extreme violence when necessary. In stark contrast, she seems unfazed by the brutal murders she regularly commits, believing her targets deserve their fate. Yor strives to end their lives quickly to avoid unnecessary torment and has little regard for her own life; she once noted that if someone were to kill her during a job, she would consider it fair.
Having spent most of her life as an assassin, Yor’s thought processes can be quite deviant. She often considers murder as a solution to problems, contemplating killing everyone at a party when threatened with embarrassment or imagining assassinating the parent of an Eden Academy applicant to secure Anya’s place at the school. She briefly considered eliminating Fiona Frost out of jealousy regarding her perceived competition for Loid’s affections and maternal role, though she ultimately recognizes these thoughts as irrational.
Despite her professional competence, Yor is surprisingly gullible and naive. She lacks common sense and is often clueless in situations outside her assassin duties. For instance, she once asked if boogers made coffee taste better after a colleague’s suggestion to put one in their superior’s drink. When faced with everyday problems, she instinctively applies her assassin skills, which leads to comedic misunderstandings. For example, when Loid asked her about Anya passing an exam, she erroneously spoke about causes of death, confusing academic success with dying. Her common sense dissipates even further when she drinks alcohol.
Yor’s intense focus on her profession and her social ineptitude leave her oblivious to romance. Romantic interactions with Loid are minimal, and neither seems to harbor genuine romantic inclinations. However, when faced with romantic scenarios, Yor becomes flustered and embarrassed. For instance, she had to drink an entire bottle of wine to muster the courage to kiss Loid in front of Yuri, only to become more embarrassed afterward, leading to her accidentally slapping Yuri twice in quick succession.
When drunk, Yor’s behavior in romantic contexts tends to spiral. During one instance, when Loid flirted with her, she became so flustered that she kicked him across a restaurant. On another occasion, she mistook a suggestion of a welcome-home kiss for an invitation and, overwhelmed with embarrassment, threw herself to the floor while apologizing profusely for being “weird.”
Yor is prone to whimsical daydreams, a tendency that is heightened when intoxicated. After a drunken dinner with her female co-workers, she humorously entertained the idea of needing to kill Loid to appear normal in their marriage, only to snap back to reality when confronted by a waiter about leaving with cutlery. This situation left her distressed about her normalcy, despite her friends believing she was simply playing along with a joke.
Insecure about her domestic abilities, Yor feels inadequate compared to Loid, who effortlessly handles household tasks. This often leads her to believe that she contributes little to their family. Anya aptly describes her as “strong but fails at everything else.” However, her insecurities regarding her parenting skills have largely been alleviated by Loid, who reassures her that her years of caring for her brother have equipped her with valuable skills. He expresses how much he values her ability to make Anya feel safe and requests that she continue in her role as a mother, a proposal she happily accepts. Determined to improve her domestic skills, Yor is committed to sharing Loid’s heavy workload and becoming a better mother to Anya.
Abilities and Skills
Immense Strength: Despite her slim frame, Yor possesses superhuman physical abilities. Her punches and kicks are powerful enough to generate noticeable air currents and easily pierce human skulls. She has demonstrated the ability to throw objects hard enough to break through wooden doors and impale targets on the other side. For instance, a thrust from her hand destroyed a pumpkin and shattered an assassin’s knife. Yor’s grip strength allows her to climb sheer walls and knock out opponents with minimal effort. Notably, she once destroyed a strength-er machine with a single swing and threw dodgeballs with enough force to knock down trees.
Immense Speed and Reflexes: Yor is remarkably fast and agile, able to move swiftly even in heels. She has demonstrated her agility by jumping from tall heights, dodging rifle fire, and executing parkour maneuvers. Her reflexes are equally impressive, as she can intercept falling objects and dodge attacks from skilled assassins. For example, she dodged garden shears aimed at her head and was able to outrun a car while rushing to pick up Anya.
Immense Durability and Stamina: Yor can withstand significant physical trauma, such as gunshot wounds, and continue moving despite injuries. During missions, she has taken down multiple assassins with only minor injuries herself. She has shown remarkable stamina, managing to recover quickly from physical strain while performing demanding tasks.
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Yor is highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, preferring kicks over punches. Her skills are so advanced that she can keep top spies like Loid on the defensive, even while heavily intoxicated. She can effortlessly dispatch both untrained thugs and fellow assassins using her bare hands.
Cleaning Expertise: Due to her background as an assassin, Yor has developed exceptional cleaning skills, keeping the Forger home immaculate.
Intuition: Despite her occasional cluelessness in everyday situations, Yor demonstrates keen intuition in her role as an assassin. She possesses extensive knowledge of human anatomy and pressure points, allowing her to incapacitate opponents effectively. Yor can also sense the bloodlust of her enemies, giving her a tactical advantage in combat.
Poison Tolerance: Yor exhibits high resistance to various poisons. She consumed a cocktail laced with a lethal neurotoxin from pufferfish without experiencing severe effects, only feeling a tingling sensation.
Intimidation: Yor has a naturally intimidating presence, often striking fear into others unintentionally. This intimidation extends to animals and fellow assassins alike, showcasing her formidable aura.
Weapons: In combat, Yor wields three golden stiletto-type weapons, using them for stabbing and throwing. These weapons symbolize the thorns of a wild rose and are used exclusively in her assassination work. She can also utilize her earrings as projectiles when needed.
Teaching: Yor possesses decent teaching skills, especially in physical training. She has effectively taught Anya and her friends essential self-defense techniques, such as how to punch and prepare for dodgeball.
Alcohol: Despite her impressive resistance to poisons, Yor is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. She has been known to drink quantities that would incapacitate most, but even a single beer can leave her completely drunk. This often leads to humorous situations, as intoxication makes her temperamental and aggressive. For example, while drunk, she has attacked Loid and thrown a fork at her brother Yuri with enough force to embed it in the wall. Alcohol tends to amplify her insecurities, leading her to engage in absurd behaviors, such as attempting to fabricate grievances about her relationship with Loid after being convinced it was abnormal to have none.
Cooking: Yor consistently struggles in the kitchen, prioritizing nutritional content over flavor, resulting in inedible meals. Her attempts at cooking often involve bizarre ingredient choices, such as buying random items like cacti alongside traditional groceries. Even her basic cooking efforts have left her family, particularly Anya, appalled. Her dishes have caused severe reactions, even sending Loid to the bathroom for an entire day. Although she has shown determination to improve, her cooking skills have only marginally advanced, leading to frequent injuries and kitchen disasters, such as setting Loid’s shirt on fire while ironing.
Lying: Despite being skilled in deception as an assassin, Yor is comically bad at lying in her personal life. She often concocts ridiculous excuses to explain her strength or other peculiarities, which tend to be met with disbelief. For instance, when asked about her marriage to Loid, she simply claimed to have forgotten to mention it, leading to confusion. Her scatterbrained nature means she often relies on sheer luck to avoid suspicion, especially around Loid and Anya, who are aware of her true identity.
Book Smarts: Having worked as an assassin since childhood, Yor lacks formal education, leading to gaps in her knowledge. While she possesses basic literacy and organizational skills for her job at city hall, her academic skills are lacking, as shown when she struggled with simple math problems and misunderstood terms like “First Lady.” Nevertheless, she has managed to raise her brother Yuri and maintain a functional adult life.
Insecurities: Yor’s most significant weakness is her low self-esteem. She often feels inadequate as a wife and mother, believing that Loid is disappointed in her. This insecurity can lead her to misinterpret situations, such as assuming Loid is having an affair with Fiona, his co-worker. Her perception of normalcy is skewed, leading her to overthink mundane scenarios and engage in drastic actions, like parkouring to deliver Anya’s P.E. uniform when it wasn’t necessary.
With support from Loid and Anya, Yor is gradually working through her insecurities. Anya appreciates her as she is, while Loid has frequently praised her skills as a mother and reassured her that he has no intention of replacing her.

Yuri visited his sister’s family.
Yuri Briar
Yuri is the younger brother of Yor and her only remaining family member alive after their parents died at an early age, which caused her to take on a parental role for him. Once, when Yuri became sick with a fever, Yor did everything she could to nurse him back to health, from going into the forest to pick herbs to even killing a boar. Yor treasured her brother and wanted to protect his carefree life from needless tragedies, which is why she became an assassin. Using the money she earned from her assassin jobs, Yor was able to pay for Yuri’s wants and needs. Perhaps due to how Yor took the place of their mother, Yuri began developing an unhealthy amount of affection for her, which Yor seems oblivious to, though she is aware of how eccentric he can be. When he was a child, Yuri told Yor he wanted to marry her when he grew older, and Yor jokingly said she would save herself for then.

Family picture of Forger Family.
Loid Forger
Loid is Yor’s husband in their fake marriage, which serves the purpose of creating a family for their respective missions. Yor is unaware of Loid’s true identity as a spy known as Twilight, while Loid remains oblivious to her life as an assassin. Their relationship is built on mutual respect, but it becomes more complicated as they develop feelings for each other, even while keeping their secrets. Yor admires Loid’s dedication and commitment to their family, and she often tries to support him in his endeavors.
Anya Forger
Anya is the adopted daughter of Yor and Loid. Yor has a nurturing and affectionate attitude towards Anya, often expressing a desire to protect her and ensure her happiness. Anya, possessing the ability to read minds, has unique insights into the hidden aspects of her parents’ lives, which adds a layer of complexity to their family dynamics. Yor enjoys spending time with Anya and is supportive of her interests, especially when it comes to her education and friendships.
Bond Forger
Bond is a dog with precognitive abilities who belongs to the Forger family. Yor has a fondness for Bond and treats him as an integral part of the family. She appreciates Bond’s companionship and often engages with him in her day-to-day life, highlighting her nurturing personality.
Yor interacts with various shopkeepers in her neighborhood, maintaining a friendly rapport. These relationships are generally cordial and revolve around everyday transactions related to her gardening activities.
Matthew McMahon
Matthew is a character Yor encounters in the context of her gardening. They share a friendly relationship, and he appreciates Yor’s gardening skills and knowledge.
Berlint City Hall
Camilla is one of Yor’s colleagues at Berlint City Hall. They maintain a professional relationship, often working together on tasks and engaging in friendly conversations during their shifts.
Sharon is another co-worker of Yor at the City Hall. Their interactions are mainly work-related, reflecting a supportive and collaborative workplace environment.
Millie Myers
Millie is a colleague at Berlint City Hall. Yor interacts with her during work, and they share a friendly relationship marked by mutual respect and camaraderie.
Dominic is also a co-worker of Yor at the City Hall. Their relationship is primarily professional, with Yor occasionally seeking his advice on work-related matters.
Melinda Desmond
Melinda is a close friend of Yor. They share a bond over their experiences, and Melinda often provides Yor with emotional support and encouragement, helping her navigate the challenges of her dual life.
Fiona Frost
Fiona is a fellow assassin who has feelings for Loid Forger, creating tension between her and Yor. She sees Yor as a rival due to her relationship with Loid, complicating the dynamics of their interactions.
Olka Gretcher
Olka is a character with whom Yor has a casual acquaintance. Their interactions are minimal and typically occur during social gatherings or community events.
Becky Blackbell
Becky is Anya’s friend, and Yor has a friendly rapport with her. She often engages with Becky during school-related activities and events involving Anya, showing her supportive nature.
- During her original sketches, several outfits were designed for Yor, including a nurse uniform and one resembling Eden Academy’s uniform, sharing its gold accents.
- Yor was initially intended to have a friend who meddles in her personal life. This friend had a trait similar to Yuri, as they suggested introducing her to a man.
- Yor went through several name ideas, such as “Eve” and “Nei,” all with the surname “Tolliver.” Her assassin code name “Thorn Princess” was always intended, though another option, “Foil” (フルーレ, Furūre?), was considered.
- Yor’s early character design carried traits into her final version, such as being described as “The Strongest Assassin,” “stronger than the protagonist [Loid],” and being “ditzy, dumb, naive.” Early concepts also portrayed her as seeing no value outside of killing. There was also a scrapped idea where Yor would fall in love with Loid and attempt to covertly killAnya.
- Yor’s maiden name, her rose motifs, and her codename hint at inspiration drawn from the fairytaleLittle Briar Rose(Sleeping Beauty).
- Yor shares pointed earrings withAshe, the protagonist from Endo’s previous one-shot Rengoku no Ashe.
- Yor has a strong aversion to insects, disliking even pictures of them.
- Despite her appealing appearance, Yor had never been in a romantic relationship before meeting Loid.
- Yor’s chair on the cover of Volume 3 is a La Chaise, designed by Charles and Ray Eames.
- Yor enjoys eating apples.
- Yor hails from Eastern Nielsberg, a region in the south of Ostania.
- As a child, Yor’s favorite Whistle Candy flavor was apple.
- Yor and Yuri used to hunt rabbits in the mountains as children.
- In the fanbook, the combat abilities of Loid, Fiona, and Yuri are always compared to Yor, who ranks as a 10 in pure physical capability.
- Yor’s weapons are inspired by stilettos used by the protagonist in Ken Follett’s spy novel Eye of the Needle.
- Yor’s original job was going to be a janitor, but it was later changed to her current role at city hall.
- Endohas mentioned that making Yor a contract killer “has been a problem from the start,” as he struggles to depict her actions ethically.
- TheCruise Adventure Arcwas written to encourage readers to appreciate Yor’s role as a killer and to consider the morality of killing in wartime rather than a simple good versus evil conflict.
- Yor’s name was initially romanized as “Yoru” until Chapter 10, when it was licensed by Viz Media.
- Yor’s creation was inspired by Endo’s love of fighting heroines, particularly Princess Alena from Dragon Quest.
- In Episode 2 of the anime, Yor’s personnel file lists the date “06 APR 63.” This could indicate her date of employment, as neither the year nor her birthday has been revealed.
- Franky has remarked that Yor has nice handwriting.

Yor Original Design Sketches.