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Yhwach(ユーハバッハ, Yūhabahha), referred to as “Your Majesty” (陛下,Heika) by his subordinates, is the emperor of the Wandenreich and the progenitor of the Quincy, also known as theQuincy King(滅却師クインシーの王,Kuinshī no Ō) and theFather of Quincy(滅却師クインシーの父,Kuinshī no Chichi). He is the son of the Soul King and inherited the latter’s unique ability,The Almighty, which grants him the power of omniscience and omnipotence, signified by the letter “A.”

As the leader of the Wandenreich, Yhwach sought to reshape the world according to his vision, intending to eliminate the concept of death. His ultimate ambition led him to the Soul King Palace, where he absorbed the remains of the Soul King, gaining his father’s power and positioning himself to reshape reality itself. By doing so, Yhwach aimed to create a new world without death.

However, before Yhwach could realize his goal, he was confronted and ultimately defeated by Ichigo Kurosaki and his allies, putting an end to his plans to destroy the natural balance of the world.

Nobody can take anything away from me. Everything in this world exists for me to take it. The Soul King is no exception.
— Yhwach


Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

hwach’s appearance following the absorption of the Soul King.

Yhwach is depicted as a tall, middle-aged man with a long face, broad chin, pronounced cheekbones, and reddish-brown eyes framed by thin eyebrows. His long black hair extends to his lower back, complemented by neatly groomed mutton chops and a connected mustache, though he remains otherwise clean-shaven. His typical attire includes a white, double-breasted trench coat bearing the Wandenreich symbol on the chest, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. He often wears a tattered, ankle-length maroon-black cloak, fastened at the neck with a red ribbon and a large button on the left side.

A thousand years earlier, Yhwach had softer, more youthful facial features, with shoulder-length hair and only faint stubble for his mutton chops. It is noted by Ōetsu Nimaiya that the manifestation of Ichigo Kurosaki’s Quincy powers closely resembles Yhwach in his younger years. Likewise, the Bankai form of this manifestation is said to mirror Yhwach’s appearance in his teenage years.

During the Wandenreich’s second invasion, Yhwach’s maroon-black cloak is replaced with a white version. After absorbing the powers of Mimihagi, a black pattern of eyes runs down the left side of his face and onto his chest, and his left eye inverts in coloration. Upon fully absorbing the Soul King, Yhwach acquires a dark mask of eyes covering the upper half of his face and begins exuding darkness. Eventually, this darkness spreads across his entire body, leaving only his hands, feet, knees, and parts of his face and chest exposed.


    Yhwach is a complex and contradictory figure, shaped by his past experiences. Although he claims to be a lover of peace who despises conflict, his actions suggest otherwise, as he willingly wages war with the intent of ending battles swiftly. This contradiction is reflected in his admiration for the first generation of the Gotei 13, whom he respected for their ability to instill fear. In particular, Yhwach held Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto in high regard, referring to him as a “demon” for his ruthless treatment of subordinates. Yhwach holds disdain for values such as justice and honor, believing that the Gotei 13 had grown weak in his 1,000-year absence.

    Yhwach’s treatment of his subordinates, particularly the Quincy, varies considerably. He often refers to them as his “sons” and goes to great lengths to recruit them into his empire. At times, he shows mercy and appreciation, as seen when he thanked Royd Lloyd for his sacrifice and granted him a swift death. However, Yhwach also des blind loyalty and was pleased when his Sternritter voiced dissatisfaction with his choice of successor.

    Although Yhwach discourages infighting among his followers, he is unafraid to use brutal methods to enforce unity. His disdain for Arrancar is evident in his willingness to kill those who have pledged allegiance to him when they are no longer of use. After his awakening, he even stripped “impure” Quincy of their powers, causing many to die, demonstrating a cold, utilitarian attitude that Yamamoto claims Yhwach has always possessed. This was further proven when Yhwach used his power, Auswählen, to fatally drain the life force of loyal followers such as Gerard Valkyrie and Jugram Haschwalth to strengthen himself.

    Yhwach views his Sternritter as comrades who must be prepared to make sacrifices for each other when necessary. He exemplified this belief by using Auswählen to revive his Schutzstaffel at the expense of other Sternritter left behind. His ultimate goal is to create a world without the fear of death by collapsing the Human World, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo into one. Yhwach’s deep resentment towards his father, the Soul King, stems from the latter’s role as a mutilated linchpin, a fate Yhwach views as endless humiliation. This disdain is so profound that it extends to his Quincy bloodline, compelling those who carry it to slay the Soul King.


    Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

    Yhwach is tethered to thousands of souls as an infant.

    Approximately 1,200 years ago, Yhwach was born to an unknown mother as the son of the Soul King. At birth, Yhwach was unable to see, hear, speak, or move, but he was revered by those around him for his unique ability to share fragments of his soul with others. Those who came into contact with Yhwach found their wounds and deficiencies healed, and in return, fragments of their knowledge, abilities, and experiences were absorbed back into Yhwach upon their deaths. Over time, these fragments enabled Yhwach’s body to function fully, and he took on the name “Yhwach,” after the deity worshipped by those who revered him.

    As the progenitor of the Quincy, Yhwach was regarded as their king, and his blood flowed through all Quincy. At some point, he discovered that by engraving a letter signifying a unique ability onto the soul of another, he could bestow a portion of his own soul, creating a much stronger bond. This marked the beginning of the Quincy Schrift system, with Lille Barro being the first Quincy to receive a Schrift. Yhwach designated himself the letter “A,” signifying his ability “The Almighty.” Over the next two centuries, he founded the Quincy empire known as Lichtreich, which expanded into the northern territories of the Human World.

    Around 1,000 years ago, Yhwach led an invasion of the Soul Society, clashing with the original Gotei 13. During this battle, Yhwach fought against Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto and witnessed the full extent of Yamamoto’s Bankai, Zanka no Tachi. However, Yhwach was ultimately defeated, partly due to a surprise attack from Chōjirō Sasakibe, which allowed Yamamoto to strike him down. Following this, Yhwach’s powers were sealed, and a Quincy prophecy emerged, detailing that after 900 years he would regain his pulse, after 90 years his intellect, and after 9 years his strength, which he would reclaim by absorbing the powers of “impure” Quincy.

    Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

    Yhwach conquers the northern territories.

    Yhwach fulfilled this prophecy through a process called Auswählen, which killed many impure Quincy, including Kanae Katagiri and Masaki Kurosaki, although Uryū Ishida survived. This process was part of Yhwach’s “Kaiser Gesang,” a hymn that foretold the sealed king’s return to power and his plan to reshape the world.

    Following his resurgence, Yhwach began to rebuild the Wandenreich, an empire of Quincy hidden within the shadows of the Soul Society. During this time, the Wandenreich conquered Hueco Mundo, with Yhwach personally defeating its ruler, Tier Harribel, and claiming the territory as part of his preparations for another invasion of the Soul Society.


    The Thousand-Year Blood War Arc

    Upon Luders Friegen’s return to the Wandenreich base, Yhwach expresses his disdain for conflict by severing Luders’ arm as punishment for arguing with Asguiaro Ebern. When Luders declines Yhwach’s offer to lie down before him in exchange for his legs, Yhwach questions his estimate of five days for war preparations, noting that he only cares about the present, not the future. After killing Luders, Yhwach turns to Ebern, acknowledging that while he has no reason to praise or blame him, Ebern’s role in delaying Ichigo Kurosaki is complete. Ebern is then decapitated, and Jugram Haschwalth inquires whether it is wise to kill an Arrancar when they can easily be taught to fight. Yhwach dismisses the concern, pointing out that they have already taken control of Hueco Mundo, where more soldiers can be gathered, as he gazes at the imprisoned Tier Harribel.

    Learning that Ebern’s medallion was ineffective in sealing Ichigo’s Bankai, Yhwach concludes that a special strategy will be required. He instructs Haschwalth to send the Jagdarmee to Hueco Mundo to capture some of the remaining Arrancar alive. Later, when informed of Ichigo’s battle with Quilge Opie, Yhwach sees this as the perfect opportunity to invade Soul Society and orders his Sternritter to be notified.

    Yhwach soon arrives above the Seireitei, observing the conflict below. He allows Haschwalth to spare some soldiers as a “benign” gesture. Afterward, Yhwach descends into Muken to visit Sōsuke Aizen, offering him a place in the Wandenreich. Aizen refuses, finding it absurd that a Quincy king would align with a Shinigami. Yhwach deems it too time-consuming to either kill or restrain Aizen and departs, unaware that he was speaking to an illusion created by Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu. Aizen manipulates Yhwach’s perception of time, making him believe their encounter lasted only a few minutes, though it actually spanned far longer.

    Shortly after, Yamamoto realizes that he is fighting Royd Lloyd, who had been mimicking Yhwach, not the Quincy King himself. At this moment, Yhwach arrives and obliterates Royd for his service. He then reveals to Yamamoto that he had visited Aizen and rejected him as an ally, not because of a lack of threat, but due to the time it would take to contain him. Yhwach then steals Yamamoto’s Bankai, Zanka no Tachi, which only he can control, before killing Yamamoto with a devastating attack. Yhwach chastises Yamamoto for his failure to exploit others and claims the original Gotei 13 was far more fearsome than its current iteration. Yhwach then orders the complete annihilation of Soul Society.

    As the Sternritter proceed with their destruction of the Seireitei, Yhwach is interrupted by the arrival of Ichigo Kurosaki. Though impressed by Ichigo’s escape from Quilge’s jail, Yhwach remains confident and quickly subdues him, preparing to bring him back to the Wandenreich to recruit him. However, Ichigo’s latent Quincy powers activate, allowing him to resist Yhwach’s attacks. Yhwach explains that Ichigo’s Quincy blood had been awakened by absorbing the Reiatsu of Quilge’s jail, which was designed to be inescapable for anyone but a Quincy. Before Yhwach can reveal more about Ichigo’s heritage, shadows appear, signaling that Yhwach’s time outside the Schatten Bereich is up. Realizing that Aizen had manipulated his sense of time, Yhwach retreats, promising to return for Ichigo.

    Days later, Yhwach formally introduces Uryū Ishida as his successor, much to the shock of the Sternritter. He reveals that Uryū’s survival during the Auswählen is the reason for this choice, as Uryū possesses a unique power that even Yhwach acknowledges as potentially greater than his own. Following this, Yhwach leads the Wandenreich’s invasion of the Royal Palace, easily dispatching the Royal Guard with the help of his elite Schutzstaffel. UsingAuswählen, Yhwach revives his fallen Schutzstaffel by draining the life force of his Sternritter left in the Seireitei.

    Yhwach proceeds to confront Ichibē Hyōsube, the leader of the Royal Guard. Despite Ichibē’s attempts to stop him, Yhwach overcomes him using the power ofThe Almighty, which grants Yhwach the ability to foresee and alter the future. After defeating Ichibē, Yhwach reaches the Soul King and reveals that the Soul King is his father. He kills the Soul King, aiming to reshape the world by merging the Human World, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo, eliminating death in the process.

    Ichigo and his allies arrive too late to prevent Yhwach from killing the Soul King. Yhwach manipulates Ichigo’s Quincy blood, causing him to unwittingly strike the Soul King. This accelerates the collapse of the realms, and Yhwach prepares to fully realize his plan. However, Ichigo, along with his allies, continues to resist, with Ichigo battling Yhwach directly in the Royal Palace. Despite Yhwach’s overwhelming power and his ability to foresee and manipulate all possible futures, Ichigo is able to land a crucial blow with the assistance of Aizen’s illusions.

    In the final moments of the battle, Uryū fires a silver arrow, made from the Still Silver, into Yhwach, which neutralizesThe Almightyand gives Ichigo the opening to deliver the final strike. As Yhwach is cut down by Ichigo’s blade, he laments that his vision of a world without death will never come to pass. Ten years later, Yhwach’s Reiatsu briefly resurfaces in an attempt to destroy the future, but it quickly fades, confirming his defeat at Ichigo’s hands.


    Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

    Yhwach’s Quincy Cross.

    Quincy Cross: Yhwach carries a distinct version of the Quincy Cross, characterized by five points forming part of an intricate circular medal adorned with stars and a striped ribbon. The Cross is attached to the left breast of his trench coat, often concealed beneath his cloak. The Cross was rendered powerless when Ichibē Hyōsube used his Zanpakutō,Ichimonji, to erase its name, thus removing its associated abilities.

    Medallion: Yhwach also wields a medallion approximately the size of a person’s palm, featuring the Wandenreich insignia engraved on its surface. This device has the ability to steal an active Bankai from nearby individuals. Yhwach notably used this medallion to take Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto’sZanka no Tachi. Later, Yhwach discarded the medallion, throwing it out of Kirio Hikifune’sCage of Life. This maneuver allowed Uryū Ishida to utilize hisAntithesisability to switch the positions of the medallion and Yhwach, enabling the Emperor to escape the cage.

    Abilities & Powers

    Soul Distribution Power (魂を分け与える力, Tamashī o Wakeataeru Chikara):
    Yhwach possesses the unique ability to distribute fragments of his soul to others upon physical contact. This grants the recipient an enhanced power, which Yhwach can later reclaim, further strengthening himself by absorbing their gained knowledge, abilities, and talents. This also restores his dormant senses and motor functions over time.

    Flawless Healing:
    When Yhwach distributes a fragment of his soul, it heals the physical, mental, and spiritual injuries of the recipient. However, this process significantly reduces the recipient’s lifespan. Upon their death, the fragment returns to Yhwach, granting him their accumulated knowledge and abilities.

    Power Bestowal (via Letter Empowerment):
    Yhwach can deeply share his soul by engraving a letter on another’s soul, signifying a unique ability. This process, calledSchrift, is performed by having the recipient drink Yhwach’s blood in a ritual, allowing them to wield extraordinary powers.

    Soul Absorption:
    Yhwach can forcibly reclaim the soul fragments he has distributed. During sleep, he absorbs these fragments to regain strength. If he is prevented from absorbing souls, he will eventually revert to a weakened, senseless state.

    Auswählen (聖別アウスヴェーレン, Ausuvēren; “Holy Selection”):
    Yhwach can selectively absorb the power of impure or mixed-blood Quincy, making it his own. This process is fatal to the victims and sends massive columns of light to engulf the targets. The energy is redistributed to those Yhwach deems worthy, significantly increasing their strength.

    Sleep-Induced Power Swapping:
    Yhwach and his advisor, Jugram Haschwalth, swap powers when Yhwach falls asleep. During this period, Haschwalth wieldsThe Almighty, while Yhwach gainsThe Balance, though he never uses it.

    Self-Power Restoration:
    Yhwach can restore his physical and spiritual power even after being severely weakened or injured. For instance, when Ichibē Hyōsube crushed Yhwach’s voice, he physically restored it by channeling Reishi into his throat.

    Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

    Yhwach utilizes The Almighty to resurrect himself.

    The Almighty (全知全能ジ・オールマイティ, Ji Ōrumaiti):
    Yhwach’s signature ability,The Almighty, allows him to see all possible futures and alter them at will. With this power, Yhwach can reshape reality, nullify attacks, and create outcomes favorable to himself. His eyes split into multiple pupils when he activates this ability, signifying his omnipotent foresight and reality-altering capabilities.

    Omni-Precognition & Future Acausality:
    Yhwach perceives the future as countless possibilities, allowing him to choose and alter the one he prefers. He can counter opponents by setting traps and preemptively attacking before they even act. This ability extends to preventing his own death by rewriting the future, although it is ineffective against Mimihagi, the right hand of the Soul King.

    Reishi Manipulation:
    As a Quincy, Yhwach can absorb and manipulate Reishi (spiritual particles) to form weapons and attacks. His Reishi control is so advanced that he can reshape entire landscapes, including moving the Wandenreich City to the Royal Realm and constructing fortresses within seconds.

    Blut (血装ブルート, Burūto):
    Yhwach possessesBlut, an advanced Quincy technique that enhances his offensive and defensive capabilities by channeling Reishi into his blood vessels. He can extendBlut Vene, a defensive variant, to create forcefields that consume everything around them to maintain their integrity.

    Sankt Altar (簒奪聖壇ザンクト・アルタール, Zankuto Arutāru):
    This ability summons orbs of energy that create a Quincy Zeichen (cross) around a target, draining their power and transferring it to Yhwach.

    Spirit Weapon – Reishi Sword:
    Unlike most Quincy who use bows, Yhwach manifests an ornate sword from Reishi. This sword can bifurcate even the strongest foes, such as Captain-Commander Yamamoto. He can also generate and fireHeilig Pfeil(Holy Arrows) without needing a bow.

    Soul King Powers:
    After absorbing the Soul King and his right hand, Mimihagi, Yhwach gained vast powers, including:

    • Energy Manipulation:Control over dense black energy for offense and defense.
    • Barrier Generation:Ability to create massive black barriers to protect large areas.
    • Eyeball Creatures:Swarms of single-eyed creatures born from his body that devour Shinigami.
    • Dimensional Portal Creation:Capable of opening dark portals to travel across vast distances instantly.
    • Worldly Assimilation:Yhwach can merge the Human World, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo into one.

    Immense Spiritual Power:
    Yhwach’s Reiatsu (spiritual pressure) is overwhelming, capable of crushing opponents with ease and destroying entire structures with a mere exertion of power. His Reiatsu manifests as flowing darkness and can be weaponized in combat.

    Master Combatant:
    Yhwach is a highly skilled swordsman and hand-to-hand combatant, capable of overwhelming top-tier opponents like Ichigo Kurosaki and Ichibē Hyōsube with ease. His proficiency in close combat, coupled with his immense strength, makes him a formidable adversary in any battle.


    Power Swapping:
    Yhwach’s power is reliant on the balanced connection with Jugram Haschwalth. If Haschwalth dies while possessingThe Almighty, Yhwach’s powers are destroyed. Additionally, when Haschwalth usesThe Almightyduring Yhwach’s sleep, it signals to enemies that Yhwach is defenseless at that time.

    Still Silver:
    Yhwach is vulnerable toStill Silver, a substance formed in the hearts of Quincy victims of hisAuswählen. If this silver comes into contact with Yhwach’s blood, his powers will be temporarily disrupted, leaving him exposed to attacks.


    • God Complex:
      Yhwach’s name is derived from the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), signifying his godlike ambitions and powers.

    • Shared Soul Power:
      Yhwach can heal others by sharing fragments of his soul, but this reduces the recipient’s lifespan drastically.

    • Time Manipulation Vulnerability:
      Despite his immense power, Yhwach was susceptible to Aizen’s Kyōka Suigetsu, which altered his perception of time.

    • Father of Quincy:
      Yhwach is the literal father of the Quincy, with his bloodline flowing through every Quincy in existence.

    • Admiration for Yamamoto:
      Yhwach respected Captain-Commander Yamamoto for his ruthless strength, calling him a demon..

    • Power Swap:
      Yhwach and Haschwalth swap powers during Yhwach’s sleep, leaving him vulnerable at night.

    • 900-Year Revival:
      Yhwach’s revival follows a legendary cycle, regaining his pulse after 900 years, intellect after 90, and strength after 9 more.

    • Quincy Cross:
      Yhwach’s Quincy Cross is an elaborate version, signifying his unique status as Quincy emperor.

    • Young Appearance Similarity:
      Young Yhwach bears a strong resemblance to Ichigo Kurosaki’s Quincy manifestation, hinting at their connection.

    • Ultimate Goal:
      Yhwach seeks to merge the Human World, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo into one, creating a deathless world under his rule.