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Son Goku

Son Goku (孫悟空, Son Gokū), is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. A Saiyan raised on Earth and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. He is the youngest son of Bardock and Gine, the husband of Chi-Chi, and the father of Gohan and Goten. Originally sent to Earth as an infant to escape the destruction of Planet Vegeta, he was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and given the name Son Goku. After suffering a head injury as a child, Goku lost his Saiyan instincts for destruction, allowing him to grow into a kind-hearted protector of Earth. His relentless drive to become the strongest warrior has repeatedly saved Earth and the universe from numerous threats.

“I Never Thought Life Could Be Such a Neat Adventure.”— Son Goku (Dragon Ball: Episode 13)


Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Goku depicted in various stages: as a child, an adult, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan 3.

Goku (孫悟空, Son Gokū), born Kakarot (カカロット, Kakarotto), is a Saiyan raised on Earth and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. Goku strongly resembles his father, Bardock, with spiky black hair, dark-colored eyes, and similar facial features. However, Goku has inherited softer eyes, a kind demeanor, and a lighter complexion from his mother, Gine. Goku’s most distinct physical characteristic is his hair, featuring three bangs on the right, two on the left, and several spikes at the back. As a Saiyan, Goku was born with a prehensile tail covered in brown fur, though it was removed and regrown multiple times in his childhood. In his late teens, the tail was permanently removed by Kami to prevent Goku from transforming into a Great Ape.

During his early years, Goku appeared much younger than his actual age, partly due to his naïve personality. At age 12, he was notably short and had a childlike appearance. Goku’s physical development became more apparent during his teenage years, particularly after age 15, when he experienced growth spurts that made him taller and more muscular. By age 18, Goku had developed a well-built physique and was considered attractive by several characters, including Bulma and Heles. Goku’s physical transformation continued into adulthood, and by age 25, he had grown significantly taller and more muscular, matching many of his human allies in height.

Goku’s signature attire is his martial arts gi, which has evolved over the years. Initially, Goku wore a blue gi given to him by Grandpa Gohan, paired with a white obi and red wristbands. After training with Master Roshi, Goku adopted the iconic Turtle School uniform—an orange gi with Roshi’s kanji on the front and back. This uniform was modified throughout the series, especially after Goku trained with Kami, King Kai, and Whis. His gi typically features various kanji symbols, such as King Kai’s during the Frieza Saga, his own kanji during the Cell and Buu Sagas, and Whis’ kanji during Dragon Ball Super. Goku’s gi also includes a blue undershirt, wristbands, and boots that have been modified across different arcs.

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Goku returns to wearing a knot-style obi similar to his Frieza Saga attire. He also dons a winter jacket to adapt to cold environments, and later, in the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Goku’s uniform features the Galactic Patrol emblem. During the Granolah the Survivor Saga, Goku regains Whis’ kanji while training to perfect Ultra Instinct.

By the time of the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku switches to a turquoise gi with a white obi, dark green pants, and orange leg wraps. He also dons different casual outfits throughout the series, such as a suit and tie or a farmer’s outfit consisting of a denim jacket, boots, and scarf. In Dragon Ball GT, Goku is regressed to a child but retains his trademark hairstyle and physique. His main outfit in GT includes a blue dogi, yellow pants, and wristbands, and his tail is regenerated for combat purposes. In the final episodes of GT, Goku returns to his adult form, wearing his 28th World Martial Arts Tournament outfit and wielding his Power Pole once again.

Goku has also worn different armors throughout his life, such as the standard Battle Armor of the Frieza Force when he was sent to Earth as an infant, which includes a black chest piece with white accents and beige panels, accompanied by blue shorts and boots. This armor is typical of Saiyan warriors and was last seen during Goku’s early childhood.

    Concept and Creation

    Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

    Akira Toriyama’s original design of Goku in early drafts of the Dragon Ball series.

    The original incarnation of Goku in theDragon Ballprototype,Dragon Boy, was a character named Tangtong. The primary inspiration forDragon Ballcame from Hong Kong martial arts films, particularly Bruce Lee’sEnter the Dragon(1973) and Jackie Chan’sDrunken Master(1978). Akira Toriyama, the creator ofDragon Ball, envisioned a young Jackie Chan as the ideal live-action Goku, stating that “nobody could play Goku but him.”

    Initially,Dragon Ballwas conceived as a loose adaptation of the classic Chinese novelJourney to the West, with Goku serving as an alternate take on the novel’s protagonist, Sun Wukong. Both characters share mischievous personalities and possess thePower PoleandFlying Nimbus, tools associated with Sun Wukong in the original tale.

    Toriyama’s early drafts of Goku went through significant changes. His first draft envisioned Goku as a full monkey, making the character more faithful to Sun Wukong. In the second draft, Goku became fully human and wore sailor clothes, riding a flight mecha instead of the Flying Nimbus. The third draft brought about the final design of the character known today.

    Goku’s full name,Son Goku, is derived from the Japanese on’yomi rendering of 孫悟空 (Sūn Wùkōng), which translates to “Grandchild Awakened to Emptiness.” This name is rooted in Buddhist philosophy, reflecting Sun Wukong’s journey towards enlightenment.

    Goku’s Saiyan birth name,Kakarot, is a pun on “carrot,” continuing the trend of Saiyan characters being named after vegetables. His family, including Bardock (burdock), Raditz (radish), and Vegeta (vegetable), follow this same pattern.

    Goku’s first public appearance came in a postcard sent to members of the Akira Toriyama Preservation Society, a month beforeDragon Ball‘s manga debut. His first in-manga appearance was on the final page ofDr. Slump, Toriyama’s earlier work, as part of a promotional teaser forDragon Ball.

    Akira Toriyama originally designed Goku as a character who fights primarily for the joy of challenging strong opponents, rather than for the sake of heroism. Toriyama has noted that the anime tends to exaggerate Goku’s heroism, while his manga version exhibits more morally ambiguous traits.

    One of the most iconic aspects of Goku’s design, his Super Saiyan form, was conceived for a practical reason—Toriyama wanted to reduce the time his assistant spent coloring Goku’s hair black. Changing his hair to blond had the added effect of visually signaling an increase in strength. This form was influenced by Bruce Lee, with Goku’s piercing Super Saiyan glare being modeled after Lee’s intense facial expressions.Dragon Ball Zanime character designer Tadayoshi Yamamuro also drew inspiration from Bruce Lee for Goku’s Super Saiyan stance and demeanor, particularly during his transformation.


      Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

      Goku and Chi-Chi

      Goku (孫悟空, Son Gokū), born Kakarot (カカロット, Kakarotto), is a Saiyan warrior raised on Earth and the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. As a child, Goku was sent to Earth by his parents, Bardock and Gine, to escape the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Upon his arrival, he was adopted by Grandpa Gohan and given the name Son Goku. Initially, Goku exhibited the destructive instincts typical of Saiyans, but after a head injury, he became kind-hearted and pure. Raised in the wilderness, Goku grew to be a caring, adventurous, and incredibly strong fighter.

      Goku closely resembles his father Bardock, with spiky black hair, dark eyes, and similar facial features. However, he inherited his mother’s softer demeanor and lighter skin tone. His most defining trait is his unique hairstyle, which has remained unchanged throughout his life. As a Saiyan, Goku was born with a prehensile tail that allowed him to transform into a Great Ape, but it was removed permanently in his teens by Kami to prevent further transformations. Over the years, Goku went from being short and youthful in appearance to developing a tall, muscular physique by age 18, which has remained consistent into adulthood.

      Throughout his life, Goku has demonstrated immense compassion and loyalty, traits that endear him to his friends and even some of his former enemies. He is notably pure of heart, possessing no ill intent and always striving to protect his loved ones and the world from harm. Goku is also known for his insatiable love of food, a characteristic common among Saiyans, and his deep-seated passion for fighting strong opponents. Although he is a pacifist at heart, preferring to avoid unnecessary violence, he relishes the challenge of combat and constantly seeks to improve his abilities.

      Goku’s upbringing in isolation left him somewhat naïve and lacking in social awareness, but his sharp intuition and natural fighting ability make him a formidable warrior. He often sees the good in others, even his enemies, which has led many former foes to become his allies. Despite his simplicity, Goku is driven by a fierce will to surpass his limits, constantly training and pushing himself beyond his boundaries. This determination has saved the Earth and universe on multiple occasions.

      Though he considers himself more of an Earthling than a Saiyan, Goku embodies the warrior spirit of his race, seeking out challenges and battles for personal growth. He values friendship and loyalty, often attributing his grea achievements to the support of those around him. However, his willingness to forgive and reform enemies has sometimes led to dangerous consequences. Goku’s relationships with his family and friends are essential to his character, and despite spending much of his life training, he holds deep love for them, especially for his wife Chi-Chi and their children, Gohan and Goten.

      Goku had little knowledge of his biological family, as he was sent to Earth as an infant and had no memory of his parents, Bardock and Gine. Throughout Dragon Ball Z, Goku’s perspective on his Saiyan heritage evolved. Initially, upon discovering his Saiyan origin, Goku was horrified, rejecting his lineage due to the violent nature of the Saiyan race. However, his views began to shift after Vegeta’s speech on Namek about the Saiyans’ downfall at the hands of Frieza, inspiring Goku to avenge his people. His transformation into a Super Saiyan marked a significant turning point, with Goku embracing his Saiyan heritage and proclaiming himself as the “Super Saiyan of legend” to intimidate Frieza. Despite this, Goku preferred to be called by his Earth name, “Son Goku,” though he accepted that Vegeta would always refer to him by his Saiyan name, Kakarot. By the events of Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Goku had embraced his Saiyan identity to the point of introducing himself to Broly as Kakarot. In the Granolah the Survivor Saga, after learning about his father Bardock’s nobility, Goku became more curious about his parents, even recalling memories of their love and sacrifice for him.

      Goku’s most notable relationship is with the Saiyan prince, Vegeta. Their rivalry, while often one-sided, sees Goku treating Vegeta with respect and acknowledging his strength, although Goku’s competitive nature does occasionally emerge. While Vegeta struggles with their rivalry, driven by his desire to surpass Goku, the two ultimately form a strong bond and mutual respect. Despite their differing personalities, they motivate each other to grow stronger. Goku, however, doesn’t shy away from teasing Vegeta or criticizing his more brutal tendencies, particularly when Vegeta kills incapacitated enemies like the Ginyu Force.

      In Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Goku shows appreciation for his wife Chi-Chi’s home-cooked meals. When Chi-Chi remarks that their son Gohan must be enjoying the spread of food at Capsule Corporation, Goku responds that while he loves food, nothing compares to her cooking, demonstrating his gratitude for the care she puts into their family’s meals.


      • Goku’s full name isKakarot, and he was named after a Saiyan tradition of naming children after vegetables. “Kakarot” is derived from “carrot.”
      • Goku’s iconic spiky black hair remains unchanged in his base form throughout theDragon Ballseries, except when transformed into Super Saiyan forms.
      • Goku was originally depicted as having a monkey-like tail, a characteristic of Universe 7 Saiyans, which allowed him to transform into a Great Ape. His tail was permanently removed by Kami to prevent this transformation.
      • Goku’s favorite food is anything edible, as he has an insatiable appetite. He’s often seen eating massive amounts of food, a typical trait of Saiyans.
      • Despite being one of the strongest characters in the series, Goku has a deep fear ofneedles(aichmophobia), as humorously depicted in the anime.
      • Goku’s voice has been portrayed by Masako Nozawa in the Japanese version of the anime for decades, who also voices Gohan, Goten, and Bardock.
      • Goku was based onSun Wukong, the Monkey King from the classic Chinese novelJourney to the West, which inspired theDragon Ballseries.
      • Goku is known for his friendly rivalry with Vegeta. Despite this, Goku was never the strongest Saiyan when he and Vegeta were children. Vegeta held the title of “Saiyan Prince” and was stronger until Goku achieved the Super Saiyan transformation.
      • Goku’s most used attack is theKamehameha, a technique he learned from Master Roshi. It has become one of the most iconic energy attacks in anime.
      • Goku initially marriedChi-Chiout of a promise he made as a child, not fully understanding what marriage meant at the time.
      • Goku is one of the few characters in theDragon Balluniverse to have achieved the transformation ofUltra Instinct, a form that allows him to move and fight without thinking, increasing his combat effectiveness.
      • Goku has never learned how to drive a car despite once taking a driving in a famous filler episode ofDragon Ball Z.
      • Goku is incredibly loyal to his friends, often showing a strong willingness to forgive even his former enemies, like Piccolo, Vegeta, and Frieza, believing in second chances.
      • Goku’s signaturePower PoleandFlying Nimbusare relics from his early days inDragon Ball, though they became less relevant as he grew stronger and gained the ability to fly.
      • Goku was the first Saiyan in over 1,000 years to achieve the transformation intoSuper Saiyan, a form previously believed to be a mere legend.