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Saitama(サイタマ,Saitama) is the main protagonist and titular character of the seriesOne-Punch Man. Renowned as the most powerful being in the series, Saitama has the ability to defeat any opponent with a single punch, which has led to his ongoing existential crisis due to the lack of thrill in battle.

Originally ahero for fun, Saitama later decides to become a registered professional hero with theHero Associationafter realizing that his heroic actions went unrecognized by the public. His primary goal is to protectZ-Cityfrom monsters, villains, and other catastrophic threats. Despite his overwhelming power, Saitama is often underestimated due to his unassuming appearance, particularly his bald head and plain demeanor.

Within theHero Association, Saitama is given the hero aliasCaped Baldy(ハゲマント,Hagemanto; Viz: Bald Cape) and has been ranked as anA-Class Hero, currently holdingRank 39. While Saitama’s incredible strength makes him virtually invincible, it also leaves him yearning for a true challenge, as no opponent has been able to push him to his limits.

If you really want to be strong… Stop caring about what your surrounding thinks of you!
— Saitama


Saitama is an ordinary-looking man with a completely bald head, brown eyes, and a lean, well-toned physique. He is of average height and weight, with no distinctive physical traits that would indicate his immense strength. Prior to undergoing his extreme hero training regimen, Saitama had a full head of short black hair, which he eventually lost due to the intensity of his workouts.

His appearance is often depicted in a simplified, cartoonish style, consistent with the original webcomic’s design. In this mode, he is drawn with an elliptical-shaped head, minimalistic facial features, and an overall plain demeanor. However, when the situation demands seriousness, Saitama is illustrated with more refined and detailed features, including sharp facial lines, piercing eyes, and a muscular build. His posture also reflects this shift, transforming from a casual, slumped stance into a more upright and commanding figure when he becomes focused or serious in battle.

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama’s appearance before he lost his hair.

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama in his hero costume, displaying both his “casual” and “serious” expressions.

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama’s physical build.


Saitama also owns several shirts and hoodies with various designs, including:

Saitama’s hero costume consists of a yellow one-piece jumpsuit with a short zipper at the collar and a black belt with a round golden buckle at its center. He wears red gloves that extend 3/4 up his forearms and red boots that nearly reach his knees. His costume is completed with a white cape, fastened to his shoulders with large, round buttons.

  • Oppai(Boobies) Hoodie
  • Oppai(Boobies) T-shirt
  • Mentsuyu(Noodle Soup) T-shirt
  • Onsen(Hot Bath) T-shirt
  • Ke(毛, Hair) Jacket
  • Ke(毛, Hair) Shirt
  • Niku🍖 (Meat 🍖) Jacket
  • Umeboshi(Pickled Dry Plum) T-shirt
  • Nezumi Sushi(Mouse Sushi) T-shirt
  • Munage(Chest Hair) T-shirt
  • Shōyu(Soy Sauce) T-shirt (available in black and white)
  • Shicago Burusu(Chicago Bulls) T-shirt
  • 22nd Super Fight T-shirt
  • Enoki MushroomT-shirt


Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama’s indifferent look upon hearing others speak ill of him.

Saitama’s character can be best summed up as “average” at first glance. Nothing about him stands out or leaves an impression on those he meets. Before becoming a hero, he was an ordinary salaryman with no particular interest in anything, although being a hero was a long-held dream. Saitama was once frustrated with society, much like some villains he faces, even remarking that he could have ended up just like them depending on the path he chose.

Because of his immense strength and virtual indestructibility, Saitama has become indifferent to life. No opponent poses a challenge to him, which leads to him not taking his hero work seriously, as every battle is effortless. He longs for an opponent who can truly his abilities, leading to a self-imposed existential crisis. Saitama claims that his ability to feel emotions has dulled, and the anticlimactic nature of his battles results in him allowing his foes to power up and give speeches, only for him to defeat them with a single punch.

In everyday life, Saitama is lazy and indifferent, often lounging around, playing video games, or reading manga. He frequents simple food stalls and doesn’t fuss over his meals. One of the recurring jokes is his inability to remember people’s names and faces, as seen when he forgot Speed-o’-Sound Sonic’s name or failed to recall Tanktop Tiger. He also tends to mispronounce people’s names, much to their annoyance. Saitama isn’t bothered by insults, usually ignoring them and suggesting the person insulting him needs a hobby, though he does get defensive when people comment on his lack of hair. He also dislikes his hero name, “Caped Baldy,” and continues to call himself simply “Saitama.”

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama’s distressed reaction upon realizing he’ll miss a bargain sale.

Despite his apathy, Saitama does take interest in mundane activities to alleviate his boredom, such as bargain sales or casual strolls. He tends to prioritize these small pleasures over more serious matters, as seen when he fought Carnage Kabuto but was more concerned about missing a sale. Saitama is also easily irritated in specific circumstances, like losing video games to King or when his home is damaged, which causes him to react with uncharacteristic rage.

Though Saitama is often seen as indifferent, he occasionally shows concern for those around him. He is a cheapskate due to his financial situation, even attempting to steal bags of gold from the Monster Association Headquarters, only to be upset when he accidentally dropped them. He is also sensitive to the fact that despite his achievements, no one knows who he is, which frustrates him even though he doesn’t seek fame.

Beneath his aloof demeanor, Saitama is intelligent and highly observant. He can quickly analyze situations and personalities, as seen in his interactions with Sonic and Fubuki, and he often understands the nature of people before they even reveal it. While not a natural fighter, he has shown some empathy towards his opponents, particularly those who put up a better fight than the usual one-punch defeats. He expressed a sense of shared frustration with Boros, who also suffered from being too strong to find a challenging opponent.

Saitama often comes across as abrasive and inconsiderate in his social interactions, frustrating others with his lack of emotional engagement. His downplaying of serious situations based on his perspective sometimes causes tension with those around him, such as during his fights with Boros or Garou. However, he is also one of the most morally upright heroes in the story. Saitama performs heroic deeds not for recognition, but out of a genuine desire to help others. He lets other heroes take credit for his accomplishments to ensure they receive recognition for their efforts, even allowing King to claim credit for his victories.

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama growing impatient with Genos’ lengthy explanation.

Despite his seeming lack of concern for people’s feelings, Saitama has demonstrated care for their emotional well-being. He helped prevent a man from committing suicide and gave encouraging words to Fubuki, advising her to live her life as she wanted without seeking approval from others. He also showed empathy towards Genos, encouraging his growth not just in strength but in character.

Although he has killed monsters, Saitama has yet to be seen killing a human, always using just enough force to knock them out. His restraint is remarkable, ensuring that his overwhelming strength is never misused. Even in dire situations, such as when facing Garou in a potential future where many heroes, including Genos, were killed, Saitama retains his moral compass and refuses to kill. His interactions with Garou suggest that those with immense power like Saitama need others to keep them grounded and prevent them from becoming isolated.

Saitama has been a positive influence on others, especially Genos, who abandoned his vengeful quest to focus on becoming a better hero. He has also helped people like Fubuki and Glasses grow in confidence and stand up to challenges. Despite his casual demeanor, Saitama inspires many strong individuals, including heroes and villains, to become stronger or more thoughtful.

While Saitama may seem disinterested and detached, his deep sense of morality, resilience, and positive influence on those around him make him a true hero, even if he doesn’t always show it in conventional ways.


Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama during his pre-teen years.

Early Life and Middle School

Saitama lived alone in his apartment in Z-City’s Ghost Town. From a young age, he often watched superhero shows, dreaming of becoming a hero himself.

During middle school, Saitama’s life was fairly uneventful. On the second day of school, he was reading a physical education manual and was unaware of two older bullies beating up a freshman who called himself “The Bicycle Commuter.” On a rainy day after school, Saitama saw a news report about an ongoing monster incident in Z-City and drifted off to sleep, forgetting his homework.

The next day, Saitama was called to the teacher’s room to be reprimanded for neglecting his homework. On his way, he was confronted by the bullies demanding money. Despite his willingness to fight, he was too weak to defend himself and had his 200 yen stolen. At that moment, a monster called Piggy Bancon rammed into one of the bullies, demanding money from them. Saitama overheard that one of the bullies stole money to feed his little brother. Determined to retrieve the stolen money, Saitama chased after Piggy Bancon but was easily knocked into a wall by the monster. After the authorities defeated the monster, Saitama returned to school only to be scolded for his behavior, leaving him contemplating his place in society.

Adulthood and First Heroic Act
Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama receiving a scolding from his homeroom teacher.

Three years before the main storyline, Saitama was unemployed and job-hunting. At one point, while working at a convenience store, he encountered a robber who pointed a knife at him. However, Saitama, mistaking the knife for a product, simply wondered where the barcode was, entirely missing the danger.

One day, after another failed job interview, Saitama encountered the villain Crablante, who spared him after noticing Saitama’s lifeless eyes. Crablante mentioned that he was hunting a boy with a cleft chin. Saitama later spotted the boy, but his indifferent attitude led him to ignore the situation. However, when Crablante attacked the boy, Saitama impulsively saved him, surprising even himself. After urging the boy to escape, Saitama questioned Crablante about his motives, only to laugh when the villain explained the boy had drawn nipples on him as a prank. Enraged, Crablante attacked Saitama, but Saitama fought back, realizing his childhood dream of becoming a hero. He eventually defeated Crablante by tearing out one of his eyestalks with his tie.

Unknown to Saitama, the boy’s grandfather created the Hero Association in response to this incident, hoping to prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Hero Training Regimen

Inspired by the Crablante encounter, Saitama began a rigorous training regimen to become a superhero. His daily routine consisted of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run every day, paired with a strict diet of three meals a day—though his breakfast was only a banana. Additionally, he avoided using air conditioning or heating to strengthen his mental resolve. Despite the excruciating pain, muscle aches, and vomiting blood, Saitama persevered.

After nearly 300 days of training, Saitama noticed significant improvements in his physical abilities. One day, when the villain Personification of a Light Pull Cord attacked, Saitama ed his newfound strength by confronting the monster. Though he was initially knocked down, he quickly recovered and defeated the monster with a single punch, marking the start of his career as a “One-Punch Man.”

Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Saitama being spared by Crablante.

First Encounters with King and Monsters

During his training, Saitama had several run-ins with monsters and villains. On one occasion, he defeated Octopus Claw Man, though he sustained injuries in the process. After the fight, he encountered a civilian who had been injured by the monster and reassured them, dismissing his own injuries because he was preoccupied with a special sale happening that day.

In another instance, Z-City was attacked by the 170,000-Year-Old Cicada Larva, prompting an evacuation to Shelter Nr. 7. Saitama mistakenly followed heroes to the shelter, unaware it was for evacuation, and became distressed when he realized there were no bathrooms. Upon hearing that it would take three hours for reinforcements to arrive, Saitama broke through the shelter’s wall and set off to find a bathroom, only to be confronted by the Cicada Larva. He killed the monster before continuing his quest to relieve himself.

Becoming One-Punch Man

After one and a half years of rigorous training, Saitama lost his hair and achieved unmatched strength. He continued training for another year and a half before fully embarking on his superhero career. By the time the main storyline begins, Saitama had become so powerful that he could defeat any opponent with a single punch, yet he found himself unsatisfied, longing for a true challenge.

Saitama’s existential crisis began to surface as his overwhelming strength led to boredom and a lack of thrill in battle. Despite this, he continues to live a modest life in Z-City, seeking excitement and recognition as a hero for fun.


Hero Association


Saitama first meets Genos after saving him from Mosquito Girl. Genos, inspired by Saitama’s immense power, asks to become his disciple. Initially, Saitama accepts half-heartedly, thinking Genos isn’t serious, but over time, he grows fond of the young cyborg. Though Saitama feels awkward about having a disciple, he tries to guide Genos, despite his limited understanding of Genos’ cyborg nature. Their bond grows, with Saitama becoming concerned for Genos during dangerous encounters, like when Genos was badly damaged by the Deep Sea King and Tatsumaki.

In several fights, Saitama shows faith in Genos, allowing him to handle battles on his own, like during the G4 encounter. During the Monster Association raid, Saitama praises Genos’ growth, particularly his “heart,” which has grown stronger despite Genos’ damaged body. This acknowledgment brings Genos a rare, genuine smile.

In an alternate future, Saitama witnesses Genos’ death at the hands of Garou, a moment that deeply affects him. Holding Genos’ core throughout the battle, Saitama takes the fight against Garou seriously for the first time, driven by grief and anger. Despite the devastation, Saitama’s bond with Genos is central to his character’s emotional depth, revealing how much he values his companion.


Saitama first meets Bang during the giant meteor crisis. Impressed by Saitama’s raw strength, Bang becomes intrigued by him and even spies on Saitama for a while. Bang tries to recruit Saitama into his dojo, recognizing his potential, though Saitama shows little interest in martial arts.

Bang respects Saitama greatly, declaring him the strongest person he has ever met. Despite their different personalities, Saitama occasionally shows admiration for Bang’s abilities, such as his martial arts skills and his handling of the situation with Garou. Their interactions are lighthearted, and they sometimes invite each other to casual events like cookouts.


Saitama saves King multiple times without King realizing it, which leads to King unintentionally taking credit for Saitama’s heroic actions. This misunderstanding results in King becoming an S-Class hero, known as the “strongest man on Earth.” When Saitama eventually discovers the truth about King’s reputation, he isn’t upset, and the two develop a friendship. They often hang out, playing video games together, though Saitama frequently loses to King, much to his frustration.

Saitama values King as one of his few close friends and steps in to protect him, such as during Garou’s attack. Their bond is primarily casual, with Saitama appreciating King’s company despite the latter’s lack of actual combat ability.


Fubuki initially attempts to recruit Saitama into her Blizzard Group, but after witnessing his strength, she shifts her focus to admiring him. She occasionally spends time at Saitama’s apartment with Genos and King. Despite her interest in him, Saitama remains indifferent to Fubuki’s attempts to recruit him. He does, however, help her when needed, such as during a fight with Garou. Their interactions are marked by a mix of Fubuki’s admiration and frustration at Saitama’s carefree attitude.

Flashy Flash

Saitama encounters Flashy Flash during the Monster Association raid, where Flash mistakes him for a monster and attacks him. After clearing up the misunderstanding, they journey together through the association’s tunnels. Flashy Flash is impressed by Saitama’s speed and strength, despite initially underestimating him. Their interactions are limited but friendly, with Flash beginning to recognize Saitama’s true capabilities.

Mumen Rider

Saitama and Mumen Rider share mutual respect. Mumen Rider admires Saitama’s strength and bravery, especially after the Deep Sea King incident. Saitama respects Mumen Rider for his relentless dedication, despite lacking superhuman abilities. Their relationship is marked by Mumen Rider’s humility and Saitama’s acknowledgment of his heroism. Saitama even visits Mumen Rider in the hospital after a fight with Garou and gives him a banana as a gesture of support.


Saitama and Tatsumaki’s relationship starts off rocky, with Tatsumaki dismissing Saitama due to his low hero ranking. Their first encounter is marked by Saitama mistaking her for a child, which irritates Tatsumaki. However, as their interactions progress, Tatsumaki begins to recognize Saitama’s strength, particularly after they clash during a fight. Saitama, on the other hand, acknowledges her power but grows frustrated with her overprotectiveness toward her sister, Fubuki. Despite their rocky start, Saitama advises Tatsumaki to ease up on her sister, which leads to some personal growth for her.

Mumen Rider

Saitama respects Mumen Rider’s sense of duty and determination, despite his lack of strength. They have a friendly relationship, and after Saitama saves him from certain danger, Mumen Rider expresses gratitude and respect for him. Mumen Rider knows of Saitama’s true strength and treats him with admiration.

Sweet Mask

Sweet Mask initially disregards Saitama due to his low rank and unimpressive appearance. However, after learning about Saitama’s involvement in the defeat of the Deep Sea King, Sweet Mask begins to take notice of him, though he continues to hold some reservations. Their relationship remains largely professional, with Sweet Mask keeping his distance from Saitama.


Saitama is interested in Zombieman’s rumored immortality, asking him if the stories are true. However, Zombieman is dismissive of Saitama, perhaps due to his lower hero ranking. Their relationship remains minimal, with Zombieman showing little interest in Saitama beyond curiosity about his abilities.


Saitama finally meets Blast, the legendary hero, during a battle with “God.” While Blast is aware of Saitama’s strength, their interaction is brief. Saitama expresses gratitude for Blast’s assistance but doesn’t seem overly impressed by his status.


Speed-o’-Sound Sonic

Sonic considers Saitama to be his eternal rival and is determined to surpass him. Saitama, on the other hand, remains indifferent to their rivalry and generally sees it as more of an annoyance than a serious competition. Despite this, Saitama is amused by Sonic’s persistence and even encourages him to improve, though he quickly becomes irritated when Sonic disrupts his daily routine or endangers innocent people.

Sonic is one of the few characters who fully recognizes Saitama’s strength, which drives him to train harder to one day defeat him. This respect for Saitama’s power leads Sonic to stop working for others and focus solely on surpassing him. Over time, Sonic gains a new form of respect for Saitama, vowing never to attack him when he’s preoccupied with fighting monsters.


Boros is one of the few beings to offer Saitama a somewhat meaningful fight. Although Saitama is disgusted by Boros’ destructive behavior, he sympathizes with the alien’s frustration over being too powerful to find a worthy opponent. This prompts Saitama to hold back during their fight to give both of them a more satisfying battle.

After Boros kicks Saitama to the moon, Saitama returns to Earth and fights Boros with more force, though Boros’ regeneration abilities allow him to survive longer than most foes. Saitama ultimately uses aSerious Punchto defeat Boros, and while Boros acknowledges that Saitama was far stronger than him, Saitama respects Boros as one of the strongest opponents he’s faced up to that point.


Saitama first encounters Choze during the Super Fight tournament. Choze arrogantly boasts about his genetic superiority but makes the mistake of letting his guard down during their fight. Saitama, bored and yawning, swiftly defeats Choze with a single punch. Choze later holds a grudge against Saitama for this humiliating defeat.

In his monster form, Choze believed that he could challenge Saitama once more, but the outcome remains the same, with Saitama easily defeating him.


Bakuzan first meets Saitama during the Super Fight tournament and immediately dislikes him, perceiving Saitama’s relaxed attitude and inability to tie his belt as insulting. When Bakuzan attempts to demonstrate his strength by attacking Saitama, Saitama easily sends him flying with a single punch.

Later, Bakuzan transforms into a monster and attempts to kill Saitama. However, Saitama remains unfazed by Bakuzan’s attacks and effortlessly defeats him with another punch, blowing off half of his body.


Orochi, the leader of the Monster Association, seeks out Saitama after witnessing the hero’s strength during a clash with Overgrown Rover. Orochi, like Boros, recognizes Saitama’s power immediately and offers him a fight. However, Saitama is uninterested in battling Orochi and only engages out of self-defense.

Orochi attacks Saitama with his strongest move,Gaia Cannon, but Saitama nonchalantly counters it with hisSerious Squirt Gun, simply squirting lava at Orochi before defeating him with a single punch. Saitama’s disinterest in the fight frustrates Orochi, who is unable to comprehend Saitama’s casual attitude toward such a powerful opponent.


Garou is one of Saitama’s most complex rivals. Initially, Garou attacks Saitama multiple times, mistaking him for a regular bystander. Saitama easily defeats Garou each time, but he remains unaware of Garou’s true identity as the infamous Hero Hunter. Over time, Saitama becomes more interested in fighting Garou after hearing about his strength from others.

When Garou transforms under the influence of “God” and becomes a serious threat, Saitama’s attitude shifts. After witnessing Garou kill Genos and gravely injure many heroes, Saitama becomes enraged and finally fights Garou seriously. Their battle takes them to Jupiter’s moon Io, where Saitama fights while still holding onto Genos’ core.

Despite Garou’s immense power, Saitama ultimately overpowers him. Saitama shows mercy in the end, respecting Tareo’s wishes and refusing to kill Garou. Saitama helps Garou regain his sense of self, and their rivalry concludes with mutual understanding.

Dr. Genus

Dr. Genus, a scientist obsessed with creating superhuman beings, becomes fascinated by Saitama after observing his destruction of several of his creations. He theorizes that Saitama has broken through the natural limits of human strength through sheer willpower, making him a subject of great interest to Genus. Although Genus initially sees Saitama as a threat to his ideology, he eventually comes to respect him for surpassing human limits naturally, without the use of artificial enhancements.


Suiryu, a skilled martial artist, first encounters Saitama during the Super Fight tournament. Initially, Saitama is impressed by Suiryu’s abilities, but he becomes irritated when Suiryu dismisses heroes as useless. Saitama decides to show Suiryu the true meaning of strength, defeating him easily and warning him against growing stronger for selfish reasons.

Despite their rocky start, Saitama later compliments Suiryu for his perseverance during a fight with Bakuzan and encourages him to pursue heroism. Suiryu gains a newfound respect for Saitama and expresses interest in becoming a hero himself, though Saitama declines to take him on as a disciple.


Saitama meets Manako, a small monster, while lost in the Monster Association’s hideout. He takes her hostage to help guide him through the complex but ends up treating her more as a companion than a prisoner. Saitama even saves Manako when she’s in danger, showing that he doesn’t view her as a threat. When asked by Blast about Manako, Saitama refers to her as his “tour guide and flashlight,” showing a lighthearted attitude toward the small monster.

Abilities and Powers

Saitama, the titular One-Punch Man, is the strongest character in his series. No enemy has been able to injure him, and almost no one has survived a single punch from him when he is serious. A few have managed to withstand his punches, like humans he holds back against or Boros, with whom he empathized and thus refrained from using his full power. Saitama’s strength is so immense that even beings specifically created for combat, such as mechanical constructs or biologically enhanced warriors, are no match for him. His strength surpasses everything seen so far, with only Garou, who was enhanced by “God,” being able to temporarily match his power. Despite his strength being limited to heightened human abilities (he cannot fly or fire energy blasts), Saitama’s physical prowess compensates for any lack of versatility.

Saitama’s strength origin remains unclear, as he attributes his power to a simple training regimen of 100 daily push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and a 10 km run, completed without breaks for a year and a half. This regimen was so intense that Saitama claims it caused him to lose all his hair. Genos suspects that Saitama might not fully comprehend how he gained his power, and Dr. Genus theorizes that Saitama removed his limiter, allowing his strength to increase without bounds.

Despite his extraordinary strength, Saitama can be outperformed in non-combat activities, like losing to Bang in Rock, Paper, Scissors, or being bested by King in video games. His abilities in other fields, such as his appetite, remain ordinary, as seen when he lost a spicy noodle-eating con to Genos.

Physical Abilities

Unparalleled Strength

Saitama’s strength is seemingly limitless. He can defeat powerful monsters and villains with a single, casual punch, often causing them to explode on impact. His strength allows him to perform impossible feats, such as jumping from the Moon back to Earth in seconds, and destroying meteors with ease. His “normal” punch is powerful enough to obliterate nearly anything, while a “serious” punch can negate attacks that could destroy the planet, as seen when he countered Boros’s strongest attack,Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon. The shockwave of his punch was so strong that it parted clouds across the planet.

In his battle against Garou, Saitama’s strength was displayed on an even greater level, where he could blow away half of Jupiter’s gas with a mere sneeze. When Saitama and Garou’sSerious Punchescollided, the shockwave was powerful enough to destroy star systems.

Enhanced Leap

Saitama’s powerful leg strength compensates for his inability to fly. He can leap tremendous distances and heights, such as jumping from the Moon to Earth in seconds. His leap also creates craters and immense shockwaves upon landing.

Shockwave Generation

Saitama can generate massive shockwaves with his punches. He demonstrated this during his sparring match with Genos, where he created a shockwave that destroyed a cliffside without hitting Genos directly.

Unparalleled Speed and Reflexes

Saitama possesses unmatched speed and reflexes, completing a 1500-meter dash in an instant during his hero tryouts. He can easily outpace Speed-o’-Sound Sonic, a ninja specializing in speed, and dodge attacks from enemies as fast as lightspeed. He once traveled from the Moon to Earth in moments and dodged numerous bullets and projectiles effortlessly.


Saitama’s durability is unmatched, and no attack has injured or harmed him in any way. He has withstood everything from nuclear explosions to planetary destruction-level attacks without sustaining a scratch. His body is completely resistant to external and internal damage, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and physical assaults.

Supernatural Abilities

Time Travel

During his fight with Garou, Saitama was able to replicate Garou’s ability to manipulate particles, allowing him to time travel. This ability enabled Saitama to prevent a disastrous future by traveling back in time, although he forgets how to use this technique afterward.

Non-Physical and Spatial Interaction

Saitama demonstrated the ability to separate his consciousness from his body to enterPhoenix Space, a mental realm, and interact with it. He can also manipulate spatial portals, grabbing them and redirecting their locations.

Fighting Style

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant

Despite not relying on formal martial arts, Saitama’s immense strength makes his simple fighting style—primarily punches and grapples—overwhelming. He is capable of learning and replicating techniques instantly after witnessing them, as shown when he mimicked Garou’s techniques. Even with his incredible potential for mastering complex moves, Saitama prefers to stick to his simple but powerful punches, favoring raw power over technique.


Saitama excels at improvising during battles, using his environment or unconventional methods to defeat his opponents. Some of his notable improvised moves includeSerious Table FlipandSerious Headbutt.

Attack Moves

Normal Series

Saitama’sNormal Seriesconsists of attacks where he exerts minimal effort, yet still easily defeats most opponents.

  • Normal Punch:A casual punch that is powerful enough to kill most enemies, even those classified as Dragon-level threats.
  • Consecutive Normal Punches:A rapid series of punches that can obliterate large body types into pieces.
Serious Series

In hisSerious Series, Saitama uses more effort, though he still doesn’t consider these moves to be especially remarkable:

  • Serious Punch:A punch so strong it negates planet-destroying attacks, parts clouds globally, and obliterates even the toughest enemies like Boros.
  • Serious Table Flip:Saitama flips a massive portion of the ground into the air, sending debris into space.
  • Serious Sneeze:A simple sneeze from Saitama was strong enough to blow away half of Jupiter’s gas.

Miscellaneous Abilities

Keen Perception

Saitama has an uncanny ability to see through people’s facades and understand their true intentions, such as discerning Garou’s internal struggle or King’s deception.

Power Control

Despite his immense strength, Saitama can regulate the force of his punches to avoid causing unnecessary harm. He has shown remarkable restraint, delivering non-lethal blows to weaker opponents like humans, while unleashing his full power against monsters and stronger enemies.

Strong Teeth

Saitama’s physical strength extends even to his teeth, as seen when he bit through Speed-o’-Sound Sonic’s sword with ease.

Indomitable Will

Saitama’s willpower is extraordinary, as demonstrated by his intense training regimen and refusal to give up despite overwhelming odds. His immense will is also connected to his psychic resistance.


Saitama is the pinnacle of power in his universe, with abilities that exceed those of any opponent he’s faced. Despite his indifferent attitude toward his strength, Saitama’s vast power, unwavering will, and impressive abilities have earned him a reputation as the most powerful hero in existence.

This revised version highlights Saitama’s abilities and powers in a clear, structured format suitable for an encyclopedia-style entry.


  • Hero Profile Number: Saitama’s hero profile number is 03402.
  • Popularity: Saitama is ranked 1st in the character popularity poll, while his younger version is ranked 10th.
  • Cape Color Change: Near the beginning of the manga, Saitama’s cape was red (House of Evolution Arc) but was later changed to white (Giant Meteor Arc).
  • True Potential: According to Genos, Saitama’s real strength lies in his dedication to his training rather than his appearance, leading him to acquire his superhuman abilities after three years of intense training.
  • First Impressions: Due to his unremarkable appearance, many enemies and allies underestimate Saitama’s strength at first glance. Only characters like Carnage Kabuto, Boros, Orochi, and Phoenix Man could sense a hint of his true power.
  • Casual Clothing: Saitama prefers wearing casual clothes like flip-flops, as they are easy to change out of quickly, especially if he needs to jump into battle.
  • Design Inspiration: The creator ofOne-Punch Man, ONE, designed Saitama’s simple appearance in contrast to the numerous “cool-looking heroes” already present in many stories.
  • Name Origin: Saitama’s name likely originates from the Saitama Prefecture in Japan, where ONE lives and first began creating the series.
  • Previous Jobs: Before becoming a hero, Saitama worked part-time at a convenience store and used to take part-time jobs at festivals during his youth.
  • Stinginess: Saitama is often portrayed as being frugal, attempting to gather food in unconventional ways, like hunting in the forest or scavenging parts of defeated monsters as potential meals.
  • Workout Routine: Even after becoming a hero, Saitama continues his daily training regimen of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-km run.
  • Moon Jump Speculation: Murata, the artist ofOne-Punch Man, speculated that if Saitama hadn’t hit the moon, he would have only needed to blow to propel himself back to Earth. However, this is just speculation and not confirmed by ONE.
  • Hero Costume: Saitama received his hero costume from an elderly retired tailor who used to repair his tracksuit. Initially, Saitama was embarrassed to wear it, but now cherishes it.
  • Strength Theory: Murata also speculates that Saitama’s power might not be entirely due to the removal of his limiter, though this has not been confirmed by ONE.
  • Favorite Foods: Saitama enjoys eating seaweed, Chinese cabbage, and is intrigued by new products of dubious value.
  • Cactus Symbolism: Saitama’s cactus at home symbolizes his unchanging nature, regardless of how it is taken care of.
  • Hero Ranking Progression: Saitama’s hero rankings have shifted as follows:
    • C-Class Rank 388 (Start)
    • C-Class Rank 342 (After the Sonic event)
    • C-Class Rank 5 (After the Meteor event)
    • C-Class Rank 2 (Before the Seafolk invasion)
    • C-Class Rank 1 (After the Deep Sea King incident)
    • B-Class Rank 101 (Promoted to B-Class)
    • B-Class Rank 63 (At S-Class meeting)
    • B-Class Rank 33 (After the Dark Matter Thieves invasion)
    • B-Class Rank 7 (Before meeting Fubuki)
    • A-Class Rank 39 (After the Monster Association incident)
  • Love for Dogs: Saitama expresses a liking for dogs, stating that he has only recently developed this fondness after encountering Overgrown Rover with Genos.