Shin-Lamedh-Memis the triconsonantal root of many Semitic words, and many of those words are used as names. The root meaning translates to “whole, safe, intact, unharmed, to go free, without blemish”. Its earliest known form is in the name of Shalim, the ancient god of dusk of Ugarit. Derived from this are meanings of “to be safe, secure, at peace”, hence “well-being, health” and passively “to be secured, pacified, submitted”.
Arabicsalām(سَلاَم), Maltesesliem, Hebrew Shalom (שָׁלוֹם),Ge’ezsälam(ሰላም), Syriacšlama(pronounced Shlama, or Shlomo in the Western Syriac dialect) (ܫܠܡܐ) are cognate Semitic terms for ‘peace’, deriving from a Proto-Semitic **šalām-*.
Given names derived from the same root include Solomon (Süleyman), Absalom, Selim, Salem, Salim, Salma, Salmah, Salman, Selimah, Shelimah, Salome, etc.
Arabic, Maltese, Hebrew andAramaichave cognate expressions meaning ‘peace be upon you’ used as a greeting:
Arabicas-salāmu ʻalaykum(السلام عليكم) is used to greet others and is an Arabic equivalent of ‘hello’. The appropriate response to such a greeting is “and upon you be peace” (wa-ʻalaykum as-salām).
Hebrewshālôm ʻalêḵem, (שלום עליכם) is the equivalent of the Arabic expression, the response being עליכם שלוםʻalêḵem shālôm, ‘upon you be peace’.
Maltesesliem għalikom.
Neo-Aramaic (ܫܠܡ ܥܠܘܟ)šlama ‘lokh, classically ܫܠܡ ܠܟ,šlām lakh.
East Semitic
In the Amarna letters. A small number of the 382-letter corpus of the letters discussed the exchange of“peace gifts”, namely greeting-gifts (Shulmani) between the Pharaoh and the other ruler involving the letter. The examples are Zita (Hittite prince), and Tushratta of Mitanni. Also, Kadashman-Enlil of Babylon, (Karduniaš of the letters).
Šalām, (shalamu) is also used in letter introductions, stating the authors health: an example letter EA19, from Tushratta to Pharaoh states:
- “…the king of Mittani, your brother. For me allgoes well.For you may allgo well.”–(lines 2-4) (an 85-line letter)[1]
Salimatu ‘alliance’
Salimu ‘peace, concord’
Shalamu ‘to be(come) whole, safe; to recover; to succeed, prosper’.
Shulmu ‘health, well-being’; also a common greeting
The Arabic wordsalāmis used in a variety of expressions and contexts in Arabic and Islamic speech and writing. “Al-Salām” is one of the 99 names of God in Islam, and also a male given name in conjunction withʻabd. ʻAbd al-Salām translates to ‘Slave of Allah the All-Peaceable’.
السلام عليكمas-salāmu ʿalaykum‘Peace be upon you’
إسلامIslām‘Acceptance, entrusting one’s wholeness to God’
مسلمmuslim‘One who Accepts’
تسليمtaslīm– ‘deliveringSLM– to give a salutation or a submission’
إستسلامIstislām–’the act of submission’
مستسلمmustaslim– One who submits*– no longer seeking opposition/conflict, the one who has submitted*
سالمsālim– ‘subject ofSLM’– its SLM, ‘the vase is SLM’, ‘the vase is whole, unbroken’
مُسَلَّمmusallam– ‘undisputed’
Catholic Church: in the rosary: السلام عليك يا مريمas-salām ʻalayki yā Maryam‘Hail Mary’.
In Maltese:
Sliem – ‘peace’
Sellem – ‘to greet, to salute’
The word إسلامIslāmis a verbal noun derived froms-l-m, meaning “submission” (i.e. entrusting one’s wholeness to a higher force), which may be interpreted as humility. “One who submits” is signified by the participle مسلم,Muslim(fem. مسلمة,muslimah).[3]
The word is given a number of meanings in the Qur’an. In some verses (āyāt), the quality of Islam as an internal conviction is stressed: “Whomsoever God desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam.”[4]Other verses connectislāmanddīn(usually translated as “religion”): “Today, I have perfected your religion (dīn) for you; I have completed My blessing upon you; I have approved Islam for your religion.”[5]Still others describe Islam as an action of returning to God—more than just a verbal affirmation of faith.[6]
Given names
Salam (سلامSalām)
Salman (سلمانSalmān)
Salim (سالمSālim)
Selim (سليم, originally:Salīm)
Suleim (سُليمSulaym)
Suleiman (سليمانSulaymān)
Northwest Semitic
TheKoine GreekNew amenttext useseirēnē(εἰρήνη) for ‘peace’,[7]which perhaps represents Jesus sayingšlama; this Greek form became the northern feminine name Irene. In the Epistles, it often occurs alongside the usual Greek greetingchairein(χαίρειν) in the phrase ‘grace and peace’. However, comparison of the GreekSeptuagintand Hebrew Masoretic Old ament texts shows some instances whereshalomwas translated instead assoteria(σωτηρία, meaning ‘salvation’).
Mushlam (מושלם) – perfect
Shalem (שלם) – whole, complete
Lehashlim (להשלים) – to complete, fill in
Leshallem (לשלם) – to pay
Tashlum (תשלום) – payment
Shillumim (שילומים) – reparations
Lehishtallem (להשתלם) – to be worth it, to “pay”
Absalom (אבשלום) – a personal name, literally means ‘Father [of] Peace’.
Shlama – ‘peace’
Given names
Shlomi (שלומי or שלמי)
Solomon, Shlomo (שלמה)
Shlomit (שלומית)
Shulamit (שולמית)
See also
Names of Jerusalem