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"Wild Bill" Hickok

Reno Ichikawa

Reno Ichikawa(市川レノ, Ichikawa Reno) serves as the deuteragonist of the Kaiju No. 8 series.

Initially, Reno worked at Monster Sweeper Inc., where he crossed paths with Kafka Hibino, sparking a friendship between the two. After witnessing Kafka’s transformation into Kaiju No. 8, Reno became a crucial ally, assisting him in joining the Defense Force. Reno himself joined the organization alongside Kafka, demonstrating his loyalty and determination to fight against the Kaiju threat.

Originally, Reno was a member of the Third Division. However, following the destruction of the Tachikawa Base, he was reassigned to the Fourth Division, where he continues to develop his combat skills and contribute to the Defense Force’s ongoing battles.

Wild Bill Hickok
James Butler Hickok

(1837-05-27)May 27, 1837

Homer, LaSalle County, Illinois (present-day Troy Grove)
Died August 2, 1876(1876-08-02)(aged 39)

Deadwood, Lawrence County, Dakota Territory
Cause of death Murder by shooting
Resting place Mount Moriah Cemetery, Deadwood, Dakota Territory
Other names James B. Hickok, J.B. Hickok, Shanghai Bill, William Hickok, William Haycock
Occupation Farmer, vigilante, drover, soldier,scout,actor
Agnes Thatcher Lake (m.1876)
Parent(s) William Alonzo Hickok and Polly Butler


Reno Ichikawa is a tall, slender young man characterized by his short silver hair and large violet eyes. His usual expression is one of calm neutrality, which often shifts to exasperation or disbelief, particularly when dealing with Kafka’s antics. This contrast in demeanor highlights his typically composed nature amidst the chaos surrounding him.

Early in the series, Reno wore the standard-issue Defense Force combat suit, designed for basic protection and combat readiness. However, his current gear is far more specialized. Reno now dons a unique combat suit forged from the remains of Kaiju No. 6, known as a Numbers Weapon. This dark-blue suit is distinctively armored, featuring pipes and pistons along the back and shoulders, with the Izumo Tech logo on the left chest plate and the “006” insignia emblazoned on the front. This suit not only enhances his combat abilities but also symbolizes his connection to the Defense Force’s elite weaponry.


James B. Hickok, in the 1860s, during his pre-gunfighter days

Reno Ichikawa with his riffle.

Reno Ichikawa is known for his calm and composed demeanor. While he initially disapproved of Kafka’s decision to give up on his dreams, he soon revealed a more compassionate side as he grew to understand Kafka’s condition and aspirations. This deepening bond unveiled Reno’s innate protective nature, which extends beyond Kafka to include all his comrades. His dedication to safeguarding those around him drives him to overlook personal conflicts, such as Iharu Furuhashi’s one-sided rivalry, prioritizing the safety and well-being of his peers over any personal grudges.

In combat, Reno exhibits a determined and straightforward approach, often relying on his natural ability to think quickly and assess situations on the fly. His strong sense of responsibility and desire to grow stronger can sometimes push him to dangerous extremes. When wielding his Numbers Weapon, Reno’s determination to protect others can cause him to spiral out of control, pushing himself far beyond his limits in a bid to be strong enough to shield those he cares about. This relentless drive underscores both his bravery and the burden he places on himself to ensure the safety of his team.

Powers & Abilities

Overall Abilities

Reno Ichikawa is recognized as a highly capable and promising member of the Defense Force. His potential has not gone unnoticed; Soshiro Hoshina has remarked that Reno possesses the qualities necessary to eventually become a captain. This assertion was backed by Reno’s impressive feat of momentarily stalling a Kaiju as formidable as Kaiju No. 9, showcasing both his skill and tenacity in battle. Additionally, Jugo Ogata has referred to Reno as a prodigy, highlighting his natural talent and the rapid progress he has made within the ranks of the Defense Force.

Reno Ichikawa’s combat abilities underwent a significant transformation after becoming compatible with Numbers Weapon 6, the Defense Force’s most potent and dangerous weapon, forged from the remains of Kaiju No. 6. This compatibility has exponentially boosted his combat skills, granting him enhanced speed and the power to single-handedly neutralize a pack of Kaiju. His newfound agility and strength place him on a new level of battlefield prowess, emphasizing his growing potential within the Defense Force.

However, wielding this formidable weapon comes with its own set of challenges. The suit seems to exert a negative influence on Reno’s behavior, driving him into a frenzied state during combat. His deep sense of responsibility to protect his comrades enables him to draw out immense power from the suit, but this often comes at a great cost. Reno pushes his human limits far beyond what is safe, tearing his muscles and breaking bones in his relentless pursuit of victory. This dangerous trade-off between power and self-preservation highlights both the suit’s fearsome capabilities and Reno’s willingness to sacrifice his well-being for the sake of others.


David C. McCanles, alleged leader of the McCanles Gang, in 1860

Reno Ichikawa concentrating for upcoming battle.

High Unleashed Combat Power:Reno Ichikawa’s combat abilities have seen considerable growth since he first donned the Defense Force combat suit. Initially, he could release 8% of the suit’s power, but after undergoing intensive training, he increased his output to 18%, an improvement noted by his comrade Iharu. Now, as the wielder of Numbers Weapon 6, Reno’s full unleashed force has surged to 43%, with the capacity to push it further to an impressive 51%, showcasing his rapidly advancing skill and control over the suit’s power.

Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: Reno’s endurance is a testament to his determination and physical resilience. He has endured multiple attacks from Kaiju No. 9, yet managed to continue fighting, refusing to succumb to his injuries. The Numbers Weapon 6 amplifies this trait further, enabling Reno to fight through fractured bones and muscle tears, pushing his body beyond its natural limits to achieve victory.

Enhanced Endurance: Reno’s endurance is a testament to his determination and physical resilience. He has endured multiple attacks from Kaiju No. 9, yet managed to continue fighting, refusing to succumb to his injuries. The Numbers Weapon 6 amplifies this trait further, enabling Reno to fight through fractured bones and muscle tears, pushing his body beyond its natural limits to achieve victory.

CryokinesisThrough Numbers Weapon 6, Reno can harness the ice and freezing abilities once wielded by Kaiju No. 6. He can emit vast amounts of freezing energy from his body, allowing him to manipulate ice in various ways. For instance, Reno can release ice from his feet to stabilize his footing, anchoring himself during intense battles. The suit also comes with freezing rounds for long-range combat. Additionally, he can freeze his enemies with just a touch, immobilizing them instantly. With continued training, Reno has refined this ability to the point where he can now freeze an entire horde of Daikaiju in a single, devastating attack, making him a formidable opponent in the fight against Kaiju.


Expert Marksman: Reno Ichikawa demonstrates remarkable marksmanship skills, showcasing his precision and accuracy in combat situations. His ability to expertly handle various firearms makes him a valuable asset on the battlefield, allowing him to effectively target and neutralize threats, even in high-pressure scenarios.

Advanced Growth Rate: Reno’s capacity for rapid improvement is one of his most defining traits. Within just a month of training, he was able to wield Numbers Weapon 6 with exceptional proficiency in combat, an impressive feat given the weapon’s complexity. According to Toko, Reno’s rate of growth far outpaces that of even Kikoru Shinomiya, despite his current released force being lower than hers. This accelerated learning curve highlights his adaptability and relentless drive to become stronger, continually pushing the limits of his abilities.


Reno Ichikawa and Kafka Hibino vs. Yoju (Interrupted):In Chapter 1, Reno and Kafka face off against a Yoju, but the battle is cut short before it can reach a conclusion.

Reno Ichikawa and Kafka Hibino vs. Exam Yoju (Interrupted):Spanning Chapters 75 to 76, Mina single-handedly confronted six Supergiant-class Kaiju. Using her remarkable marksmanship and formidable combat skills, she systematically took down each Kaiju, showcasing both her strength and tactical expertise in the face of overwhelming odds.

Reno Ichikawa and Iharu Furuhashi vs. Kaiju No. 9 (Interrupted):From Chapters 15 to 17, Reno and Iharu confront Kaiju No. 9. Despite their efforts, the battle is halted, preventing them from fully subduing the Kaiju.

Reno Ichikawa vs. Mole Type 67 Yoju and Honju (Lost):In Chapters 60 to 62, Reno faces off against a Mole Type 67 Yoju and its Honju counterpart. Despite his skill and determination, he is ultimately defeated in this encounter.

Reno Ichikawa and Iharu Furuhashi vs. Mole Type 67 Honju (Victory):: Following their previous loss, Reno and Iharu regroup to challenge the Mole Type 67 Honju once more in Chapters 62 to 64. This time, they successfully defeat the creature, showcasing their teamwork and improved combat abilities.


Numbers Weapon 6(識別怪獣兵器ナンバーズ6号, Nanbāzu Roku-gō) Reno’s signature equipment is the Numbers Weapon 6, a specialized combat suit marked EC-0115 and crafted by Izumo Tech from the remains of Kaiju No. 6. Recognized as the Defense Force’s most powerful and dangerous weapon, the suit grants Reno the ability to unleash ice-based attacks, replicating the original Kaiju’s powers. In addition to cryokinesis, the suit dramatically enhances his physical abilities, speed, and overall combat effectiveness far beyond that of standard Defense Force gear.

Respirator MaskDuring combat, Reno Ichikawa wears a respirator mask to protect himself from hazardous environments and airborne threats, ensuring he can maintain focus and agility in various battle scenarios.

RifleReno’s primary weapon of choice is a rifle, equipped with both burst rounds and freeze rounds to suit different combat needs. His skill with the rifle allows him to engage effectively with a variety of Kaiju threats, making him a versatile and adaptable fighter on the battlefield.

HandgunMina keeps a handgun at her side as a secondary weapon. This compact firearm provides a quick-draw option for close-quarters encounters, further emphasizing her readiness for any combat situation.

CannonComplementing his Numbers Weapon 6, Reno wields sixteen smaller cannons marked FN-0006, also provided by Izumo Tech. These cannons enhance his control over his freezing attacks, allowing him to immobilize multiple giant-sized Daikaiju simultaneously with minimal effort. This arsenal significantly boosts his offensive capabilities, making him a key asset in large-scale battles.

Combat Suit (formerly)Before being entrusted with Numbers Weapon 6, Reno wore the standard Defense Force combat suit. This suit offered basic protection and enhancement, but his transition to the Numbers Weapon marked a significant upgrade in his combat potential.


Reno’s surname, Ichikawa (市川), consists of two kanji characters. The first character, “市” (ichi), can mean “city,” “market,” “town,” “municipality,” or “fair.” The second character, “川” (kawa), translates to “river” or “stream.” Combined, his surname evokes imagery of a bustling town by the river, possibly alluding to a dynamic and adaptable nature.


  • Reno has a variety of interests outside of his duties in the Defense Force, including a passion for music, cooking, and reading shonen manga. These hobbies reveal a more laid-back and creative side to his personality.

  • He initially joined Monster Sweeper Inc. under the mistaken belief that the job would serve as an aptitude test for the Defense Force, thinking it involved Kaiju disposal. It wasn’t until later that he realized his assumption was incorrect.

  • In the first character popularity polls, Reno achieved an impressive ranking, securing the 3rd spot, reflecting his strong resonance and appeal among the series’ fanbase.