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Did You Know?

You can create any type of product documentation with Docy



Did You Know?

Docy turns out that context is a key part of learning.



Did You Know?

We design Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement



Did You Know?

We design Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement



Did You Know?

You can create any type of product documentation with Docy



Did You Know?

Docy turns out that context is a key part of learning.


Rakushun (楽俊), formally known as Chou Sei (張 清), is a hanjyuu, a being who can shift between human and animal form, taking the appearance of a large, intelligent rat. A kind-hearted, scholarly, and resourceful individual, Rakushun is one of Youko Nakajima’s first and most trusted friends in The Twelve Kingdoms. He provides her guidance, companionship, and unwavering support as she struggles to adjust to the new world and eventually claim her role as the rightful ruler of Kei.

Despite the discrimination hanjyuu face, Rakushun remains proud of his identity, choosing to spend most of his time in his rat form rather than his human one. He is highly intelligent, well-read, and perceptive, possessing deep knowledge of the Twelve Kingdoms’ customs, history, and political structure, which makes him an invaluable mentor to Youko.



Rakushun gently comforting Youko

Rakushun is a citizen of the Kingdom of Kou, where hanjyuu are heavily discriminated against and denied higher education opportunities. Despite these barriers, he remains intellectually curious and ambitious, seeking out knowledge on his own.

When Youko first arrives in the Twelve Kingdoms, she is distrustful and wary of everyone, having been betrayed multiple times. However, Rakushun is the first person to offer her kindness without ulterior motives. Though Youko initially doubts his sincerity, she gradually comes to trust him as he guides her through the unfamiliar world.

Rakushun travels with Youko from Kou to En, hoping to pursue his education in a kingdom where hanjyuu are treated more fairly. Along the way, he teaches her the language, history, and governance of the Twelve Kingdoms, playing a crucial role in her growth as a leader.

When Rakushun realizes that Youko is the rightful ruler of Kei, he does not hesitate to express his belief in her, offering her the encouragement she desperately needs to accept her destiny.

Photo Section with Captions


Rakushun primarily remains in his rat form, which is his preferred and most comfortable state. In this form, he is large, covered in brown fur, and capable of walking upright and speaking fluently. His expressive eyes and gentle demeanor reflect his kind and thoughtful nature.

Though he rarely chooses to transform, his human form is a slim, youthful-looking young man with delicate features. He is initially reluctant to reveal this form, as he is more comfortable identifying as a hanjyuu rather than as a human. Youko is surprised when she first learns that he can take on a human appearance, as he had remained in his rat form for much of their time together.

Despite the social stigma against hanjyuu, Rakushun never feels ashamed of his identity and takes pride in his unique nature and intelligence.


Rakushun is kind, patient, and incredibly intelligent, possessing a deep well of knowledge about the Twelve Kingdoms. Unlike many of Youko’s early encounters, Rakushun is genuinely selfless and trustworthy, making him one of the first people Youko learns to rely on in her new world.

He is highly perceptive and analytical, quickly deducing Youko’s true identity as the rightful ruler of Kei based on the unusual circumstances surrounding her arrival. When she struggles with self-doubt, Rakushun reassures her, expressing his faith in her potential as a just and capable ruler.

Though humble and soft-spoken, Rakushun is also strong-willed and courageous, standing up for his beliefs even when faced with discrimination and prejudice. He dreams of pursuing higher education, despite the restrictions placed on hanjyuu in certain kingdoms, and he never allows the opinions of others to dictate his worth.

His optimistic and open-minded nature makes him an excellent teacher, as he patiently helps Youko understand the intricacies of the Twelve Kingdoms, teaching her essential survival skills, political strategies, and cultural customs.

Role in The Twelve Kingdoms

Rakushun’s most significant role is helping Youko adjust to life in the Twelve Kingdoms, both practically and emotionally. Unlike many others who seek to manipulate or betray her, Rakushun is one of the few who genuinely cares for her well-being. He acts as her guide and mentor, patiently teaching her essential survival skills, political knowledge, and cultural customs to help her navigate the unfamiliar world.

During their journey from Kou to En, Rakushun teaches Youko the local language and customs, ensuring she can communicate and understand her surroundings. He also explains the political structure of the Twelve Kingdoms, giving her insight into the selection of rulers and the governance system. Perhaps most importantly, he encourages Youko to embrace her role as the rightful Queen of Kei, reassuring her that she has the potential to become a just and wise leader. Through his patient guidance and unwavering support, Youko gradually overcomes her doubts and begins to accept her responsibilities, transforming from a lost and distrustful girl into a determined and capable ruler.

After Youko ascends the throne of Kei, Rakushun remains in the Kingdom of En, where he enrolls in Greater Learning, the most prestigious school in the kingdom. Unlike in Kou, where hanjyuu are denied higher education opportunities, En allows him to pursue his academic ambitions without discrimination. During his time at school, he continues to stay in contact with Youko, offering her advice and insights from afar, ensuring she never feels alone in her struggles as a ruler.

While studying, Enki (Rokuta) assigns Rakushun an important mission to investigate the mysterious increase in youma activity in the Kingdom of Ryuu. During this mission, he encounters Shoukei, the disgraced princess of Kei, who, in an attempt to evade punishment for her past crimes, tries to frame him for theft. However, the court officials see through her deception, recognizing Rakushun’s integrity and honesty. Ironically, Shoukei’s failed attempt at manipulation helps Rakushun complete his mission, as her actions expose the deep-rooted corruption within Ryuu’s government, confirming its decline and instability. Through this experience, Rakushun not only proves his intelligence and resourcefulness but also further solidifies his role as an observer and analyst of the Twelve Kingdoms’ political landscape.


Youko Nakajima
Rakushun is Youko’s first and most loyal friend in the Twelve Kingdoms. He mentors her, supports her, and believes in her, helping her gain confidence and accept her role as queen.

Enki (Rokuta)
Enki recognizes Rakushun’s intelligence and entrusts him with important investigations, showing a level of trust not easily given.

King En (Shouryuu)
The King of En supports Rakushun’s pursuit of education, allowing him to study at Greater Learning without discrimination.

Rakushun and Shoukei have a brief but memorable encounter during his mission in Ryuu. Though she initially tries to frame him, their interaction ultimately helps him succeed in his investigation.


Rakushun plays a pivotal role in Youko’s development, guiding her from a lost and distrustful girl to a wise and capable queen. As one of the few genuinely kind and trustworthy figures in her life, he helps restore her faith in others, allowing her to become the leader Kei needs.

Beyond his friendship with Youko, Rakushun’s story represents the fight for knowledge and equality, showing that one’s worth is not determined by their race, but by their intelligence, integrity, and kindness. His wisdom, optimism, and perseverance make him one of the most beloved and influential characters in The Twelve Kingdoms.