Characteristics | |
Race | Human |
Gender | Male |
Age | 736 |
Height | 153 cm (5’0″) |
Weight | 45 kg (99 lbs) |
Eye Color | Black |
Debuts | |
Appears in | Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Dragon Ball GT Dragon Ball Super Super Dragon Balls Heroes |
Movie | Dragon Ball: Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle |
Manga | Goku’s Rival |
Anime |
Brood of Evil
Game |
Dragon Ball: Shenron no Nazo
Personal Status | |
Relative(s) | Android 18(wife) Marron(daughter) Android 17(brother-in-law) Android 17’s wife(sister-in-law) Android 17’s kids (nephews or nieces) |
Mentors | Master Roshi Korin Kami Mr. Popo King Kai |
Professional Status | |
Occupation | Martial Artist Orin TempleMonk (formerly) Milkman Construction Worker policeofficer Martial Artsteacher |
Allegiance | Orin Temple(formerly) Turtle School(formerly) Dragon Team Police Team Universe 7 New Turtle School(founder) |
Address | NBI 8250012 B.(formerly) Krillin’s House |
Krillin (クリリン, Kuririn)s a central character in the Dragon Ball series, recognized as one of Earth’s most skilled martial artists. Despite his small stature and initially being portrayed as a comedic character, Krillin has consistently played a vital role throughout the series as both a friend and ally to the main protagonist, Goku.
“I heard Master Roshi’s training was difficult, but I haven’t even broken a sweat yet.” |

Krillin in Dragon Ball.
Krillin is easily recognizable by his distinct physical features. As one of the most notable human fighters in the Dragon Ball series, Krillin has a short stature and a stocky, muscular build. His bald head, initially a result of his rigorous training under Master Roshi, is another trademark characteristic. Throughout most of the series, Krillin is depicted as bald, although he eventually grows out his hair in the Majin Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z, adopting a more laid-back and casual appearance.
In addition to his baldness, Krillin’s face is marked by six dots on his forehead, a reflection of the Shaolin monk traditions and a symbol of his devotion to martial arts. These dots are a unique and memorable part of his look, distinguishing him from other characters in the series. His standard attire is usually an orange gi, similar to Goku’s, which signifies his training under Master Roshi. He also wears a blue undershirt, belt, and wristbands, completing his martial artist’s uniform. In some instances, Krillin can be seen donning casual clothes, especially during his later years when he takes on a more domestic lifestyle.

Krillin in Resurrection ‘F’.
When Krillin grows his hair during the Majin Buu Saga, he transitions into a more domestic appearance, often depicted in a clean-cut style that highlights his shift away from the battlefield. Despite his relatively small size compared to other fighters in the series, Krillin’s physical appearance—whether bald or with hair—always conveys his strength, agility, and determination.
Krillin’s size, coupled with his jovial and easy-going nature, often adds to the comedic moments in Dragon Ball, especially in contrast to his more intense companions like Goku or Vegeta. However, his stature also belies his incredible fighting ability and experience, as he has consistently proven himself in battles despite being regularly outclassed by stronger enemies. As Dragon Ball Super continues, Krillin is frequently shown to retain his fit, muscular physique, always ready to return to action when the situation demands it.
Initially, Krillin is portrayed as a somewhat selfish and jealous individual who sought to outdo his fellow student, Goku, during their training under Master Roshi. Early on, Krillin displayed a strong competitive streak and even admitted that he disliked Goku at first. However, over time, Krillin’s character evolved, and he shed these negative traits, eventually becoming Goku’s best friend and one of the most loyal members of the Z Fighters. Despite this transformation, remnants of his original personality occasionally resurface, though they are tempered by his overwhelming kindness and loyalty to his friends and loved ones.

Goku and Krillin showcasing their unbreakable friendship.
Krillin is often used for comic relief, especially during moments of tension in the Dragon Ball series. His smaller stature, bald head, and occasional moments of clumsiness make him a natural fit for light-hearted moments. However, beneath this exterior, Krillin is one of Earth’s strongest martial artists and frequently participates in battles alongside the Z Fighters. Although he is often outclassed by the Saiyans and other powerful characters like Piccolo, Krillin’s resourcefulness and tactical mind enable him to hold his own in combat.
One of Krillin’s defining characteristics is his ingenuity with ki manipulation. He is known for creating and mastering techniques that are unique and highly effective, such as the Destructo Disc (Kienzan), a razor-sharp energy disc capable of cutting through nearly anything. Although Krillin lacks the raw power of Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta, his precise control over his ki and quick thinking make him a valuable ally. Throughout the Dragon Ball series, Krillin’s bravery shines, as he never hesitates to put himself in harm’s way to protect his friends and loved ones, despite the overwhelming odds he faces.
Krillin’s evolution from a rival to a hero is a key element of his character development. Over time, he grew more selfless and courageous, best exemplified by his decision to spare Vegeta’s life after their fierce battle, despite the immense danger the Saiyan prince posed. This act of mercy, encouraged by Goku, ultimately allowed Vegeta to join the Z Fighters and become one of their most powerful allies. Similarly, Krillin’s deep compassion is seen when he refuses to destroy Android 18, even though doing so would have prevented her from being absorbed by Cell. His empathy is further demonstrated in his later marriage to Android 18, with whom he has a daughter named Marron.

Krillin’s family
Despite his strength and bravery, Krillin often doubts himself, especially when compared to Goku and other stronger warriors. This self-doubt, however, does not stop him from facing dangerous foes like Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu. His persistence and dedication are a ament to his warrior spirit. Though he steps away from the battlefield to settle down and raise his family, Krillin returns to action when needed, particularly during the events of Dragon Ball Super, where he once again dons his martial arts gi to protect the Earth.
Krillin is also known for his humorous, and sometimes perverted, personality, a trait he shares with his former master, Master Roshi. In his youth, Krillin bribed Roshi with a dirty magazine, and his impure heart initially prevented him from riding the Flying Nimbus. However, as he matured, his interest shifted toward more meaningful relationships, and he eventually found love with Android 18. Despite his playful flirtations with other women throughout the series, Krillin remains devoted to his wife, as evidenced by his protective nature toward her and their daughter. Still, Krillin’s flirtatious side occasionally resurfaces in light-hearted situations, though these moments are generally harmless and played for laughs.
Ultimately, Krillin’s character represents the everyday human amidst a group of god-like warriors. His role as the strongest Earthling grounds the Dragon Ball universe, showing that even the most “normal” of humans can stand tall against overwhelming odds. While he lacks the raw power of Goku and Vegeta, his loyalty, courage, and unwavering determination make him a key figure in the Z Fighters’ efforts to protect the universe from evil. Krillin is not only a loyal friend and a loving father and husband, but he is also a symbol of human resilience in a world dominated by gods and aliens.
- Krillin’s full namein Japanese is spelled as クリリン (Kuririn), which combines the wordkuri(meaning chestnut, a nod to his bald, round head) andshaolin(a reference to Shaolin martial arts).
- Despite being one of the weakest Z Fighters in terms of raw power,Krillin is the strongest human on Earth, as confirmed by Akira Toriyama in interviews and various in-series statements.
- Krillin’ssignature attack, theDestructo Disc(Kienzan), is one of the most powerful cutting techniques in the series. Although many stronger characters cannot replicate the technique’s precision, it is notorious for being difficult to control.
- Krillin hasdied more times than any other main characterinDragon Ball, having been killed four times: once by Tambourine, once by Frieza, once by Super Buu, and in an alternate future timeline by Android 17.
- Despite his initial role as comic relief, Krillineventually marries Android 18, one of the series’ most powerful characters, and they have a daughter named Marron.
- Krillin wasinitially designed to have hair; however, Akira Toriyama decided to make him bald to distinguish him more clearly from other characters. He later grows hair during the Buu Saga after he retires from martial arts.
- Krillin’s lack of a noseis often a running joke in the series, with characters like Goku pointing it out. Toriyama once explained this by stating that Krillin breathes through his skin.
- Krillin’smarriage to Android 18is considered one of the few successful and stable relationships in theDragon Balluniverse. Their daughter Marron is a prominent part of Krillin’s family life.
- Krillin wasMaster Roshi’s top studentalongside Goku during their training, and he holds a deep respect for his mentor, despite Roshi’s eccentric and perverted nature.
- Although Krillin is known for his bald head, heshaves it for good luckbefore major battles. This habit reappears inDragon Ball Superwhen he shaves his head again before fighting in the Tournament of Power.
- In variousvideo games, Krillin’s potential as a martial artist is explored further, with some games allowing players to develop him to the level of Goku and Vegeta. His story inDragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriorseven titles him as “The Strongest Earthling.”
- Krillindoes not age visiblyinDragon Ball GTor the later arcs ofDragon Ball Super, despite being one of the older characters. His youthful appearance and stamina are likely a result of his extensive training.