Deianeira Ford
Deianeira Ford is a 21-year-old resident of Zion, Illinois. She has 2 children, a two-year-old girl and five-month-old boy.
Deia maintains an active social media presence on Facebook, where she maintains a public account. She is an avid follower of Kanye West, showcasing her admiration for the artist on her profile. .
Racial Slur
In January 2017, Deianeira Ford, a resident of Zion, Illinois, was subjected to racial slurs by Jim Crichton, the owner of Zion Dairy Queen. Crichton, a white man, admitted to police that he used the derogatory term “nigger” towards Ford. He expressed frustration with black individuals, which he voiced after Ford informed him that her order had been filled incorrectly and requested a refund. Ford was accompanied by her children during the incident.
Despite Crichton’s admission to using the racial slur, he was not charged with a crime. However, he faced consequences for his actions as he lost his franchise.
In response to the incident, Ford’s community has given her the nickname “Lil Rosa Parks” in recognition of her courage and resilience in standing up against the discrimination she faced at Dairy Queen. Ford is represented by attorney Renea Amen as she seeks justice and accountability for the racial abuse she endured.