Chrollo Lucilfer
Kuroro Rushirufuru
Characteristics | |
Also known as | Boss ( Chro (クロ,Kuro) |
Gender | Male |
Age | 26 (Debut) 28 (Current; by theTimeline) |
Height | 177 cm (5′10″) |
Weight | 68 kg (150 lbs) |
Birthday | Unknown Between 1972-1973 |
Eye Color | Black (1999) Grey (2011) |
Hair Color | Black (Manga; 1999; 2011) |
Status | Alive |
Debuts | |
Manga | |
Anime | Episode 51 (1999) Episode 41 (2011) |
General Status | |
Affiliation | Phantom Troupe Heavens Arena |
Occupation | |
Portrayal | |
Japanese Voice |
Yoshikazu Nagano (1999)
Mamoru Miyano(2011) |
English Voice | Richard Meen (1999) Robbie Daymond(2011) |
Nen | |
Type | Specialization |
Abilities | Skill Hunter
Double Face |
“I believe that we have soul so I want to fulfill my dead friend’s wish—to wreck Havoc.“ |

Chrollo’s 2011 anime adaptation design.
Chrollo Lucilfer is a young man with black hair and gray eyes. He is distinguished by a cross-shaped tattoo on his forehead and a pair of orb-shaped earrings. His typical outfit consists of a dark purple coat adorned with white fur around the collar and cuffs, which he usually leaves unbuttoned to reveal his muscular physique. A goldenSt. Peter’s Crossis emblazoned on the back of the coat.
Before founding thePhantom Troupe, Chrollo had a different appearance. He did not wear his signature coat, nor did he comb back his hair. When he approachedNeon Nostradeto steal her Nen ability, he dressed in a blue blazer, with his hair hanging down naturally and his cross tattoo concealed beneath bandages.
Chrollo’s spider tattoo, marking him as a member of the Phantom Troupe, bears the number 0. The exact location of the tattoo has not been revealed in the manga, though the 1999 anime adaptation depicted it on his right arm, without the number.

Chrollo displays calmness amidst tension.
Chrollo Lucilfer is a calm, intelligent, and charismatic individual, demonstrating natural leadership qualities that allow him to maintain order within thePhantom Troupe, despite the volatile personalities of its members. He is a skilled strategist and possesses great confidence in both his own combat abilities and those of his comrades. Chrollo rarely fights alone, often accompanied by at least two other Troupe members, which adds an extra layer of difficulty for those who attempt to challenge him, such as Hisoka.
Though Chrollo admires the items he targets and steals, he is not driven by material wealth. After appraising his stolen goods, he typically sells them. It is also known that he has a fondness for antique books, reflecting a deeper intellectual side.

Chrollo reacting to Gon’s question about his motives
Chrollo is unflinching and unshakable, observing human behavior with a detached curiosity. Gon’s hostility toward the Troupe once led Chrollo to contemplate his own nature and actions. His fascination with human beings extends to his battles, as seen during his fight with Hisoka, where Chrollo was intrigued by Hisoka’s refusal to back down, despite facing overwhelming power. Chrollo has claimed that, in his eyes, there is no real distinction between a person and a puppet, highlighting his cold, detached view of life.
Chrollo is remarkably fearless in the face of death, even welcoming it. According to Melody, his heartbeat suggests that he is content living on the edge of life and death. To Chrollo, the survival of thePhantom Troupeis more important than his own life, believing that the leader of the Troupe is merely another limb that can be sacrificed for the greater good of the group. He has emphasized that the survival of the Spider as a whole is paramount, and he once ordered the Troupe members to stay close and protect each other to avoid the fulfillment of negative fortunes.

Chrollo alters his demeanor in Neon’s presence.
Despite his cold nature, Chrollo cares deeply for his fellow Troupe members. After learning ofUvogin’sdeath through his fortune, he shed tears for his fallen comrade and later orchestrated a massacre of Mafia members as a requiem in his honor. Following the deaths ofKortopiandShalnarkat the hands of Hisoka, Chrollo displayed visible distress and vowed to kill Hisoka in retaliation.
Like other members of the Troupe, Chrollo is ruthless and willing to commit mass murder, as seen in the brutal massacre of theKurta Clan. His apathetic nature toward his enemies is evident when he usesIndoor Fishto torture and kill an assassin. Chrollo’s emotional detachment is likely tied to the tragic murder of his close friendSarasa, which desensitized him to violence and revenge. There is also an implied hostility between Chrollo andSilva Zoldyck, stemming from a previous encounter in which Silva killed a Troupe member.
Chrollo is also a skilled manipulator and actor, as demonstrated in his interactions withNeon Nostrade. He befriended her with the sole intention of stealing her fortune-telling ability, presenting himself as a helpful, amiable man during their encounters. His manipulative nature was further displayed during his captivity, where he provoked and tauntedKurapika.
The residents ofMeteor City, where Chrollo is from, share a unique bond described as “thinner than water, yet thicker than blood.” The Phantom Troupe serves as a key asset in the defense of the city, reinforcing Chrollo’s deep ties to his birthplace.
In his youth, Chrollo was shown to be caring and thoughtful, often bringing fresh flowers to the graves of children in the church. His potential and originality were noted byFather Lisores, who believed Chrollo had a promising future due to his spirit and creativity.

Chrollo in his youth.
Chrollo Lucilfer hails fromMeteor City, a remote junkyard inhabited by outcasts. The city’s existence is largely unknown to the outside world, and its residents are not recorded in official records.
At around eleven years old, Chrollo, along withFranklinandShalnark, discovered a new VHS tape in a garbage dump. While playing with the tape, they encounteredMachi, who informedUvogin. Uvogin confronted the boys, knocking out Shalnark, but Chrollo managed to outsmart them by swapping the tape for a different one and hiding the real tape under his shirt. Chrollo then took the tape to the local church, where he watched it withPakunoda. It was a foreign-language recording of the moviePower Cleaners, and Chrollo decided to translate and dub the film with the help of his friends. Together, they formed a small dubbing group, recruitingSheilaandSarasafor the project.
After completing their dubbing, the group screened the film at the church for the children of Meteor City. Despite a technical issue with the sound, Chrollo improvised by performing the voices live on stage. His charismatic performance, especially as the villain, impressed the audience, including Uvogin, who asked to play a role in the next production. This event led to the formation of thePhantom Troupe, which initially included Chrollo, Uvogin, Sheila, Sarasa, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Pakunoda, Franklin, and Machi.
However, tragedy struck when Sarasa went missing. The group, along with other children, searched for her, eventually discovering her mutilated body inUga Forest. Chrollo read the contents of a note left at the scene but chose not to share its message with the others. Deeply affected by Sarasa’s death, Chrollo attended her funeral and later discussed the future with Uvogin, expressing his desire to create a group that would bring criminals together through an online network.
Three years later, at around fourteen years of age, Chrollo founded thePhantom Troupewith Franklin, Uvogin, Machi, Pakunoda, Feitan, Nobunaga, and Shalnark. The Troupe went on to commit various atrocities, including the massacre of theKurta Clan. At some point before their encounter in theCemetery Building, Chrollo also foughtSilva Zoldyck, although the exact circumstances of that battle remain unknown.

Chrollo holding a Ben’s knife.
Ben’s Knife:Chrollo wields one of the renowned Ben’s knives, crafted during Delon’s central period. The knife features a black hilt with a slightly curved knuckle guard resembling a D-guard. The blade has three distinct segments: the central segment, which is the longest and tapers to a sharp arrow-like point; the second, curved segment that forms the cutting edge; and a third segment that serves as the back of the blade, connected to the others by two horizontal bars. Ben’s knives are famed for their sharpness, and Chrollo used his to cutSilva Zoldyck, who recognized the weapon’s exceptional quality. Silva also noted the blade’s unusual shape and deduced that it was toxic—so potent that even 0.1 mg of the toxin could paralyze a whale. Chrollo conceals the knife in a curved scabbard beneath his clothes.
Antennae:Chrollo carried two ofShalnark’santennae, which he used to activate theBlack Voiceability. Hisoka speculated that Chrollo might have retrieved the antennae using a fishing line. However, both antennae were lost or destroyed during a subsequent battle.
Cell Phone:To utilize Shalnark’sBlack Voiceability, Chrollo also borrowed Shalnark’s special bat-shaped cell phone. Chrollo was still in possession of the phone at the time of Shalnark’s death.
Abilities & Powers

Chrollo evading Zeno’s strikes.
As the leader of thePhantom Troupe, Chrollo Lucilfer is an exceptional fighter, revered by many of its members as one of the strongest.Machihas ranked him above evenHisoka, who consistently sought a fight with Chrollo more than any other member of the Troupe. Chrollo, however, is known to hold back in combat if his opponent possesses an ability that interests him, with the intent of stealing it.
He was able to hold his ground against the powerful assassinsSilvaandZeno Zoldycksimultaneously, showing no openings for Silva to exploit, though he was unable to cause significant harm to either. Zeno speculated that if Chrollo’s goal were to steal his Nen ability, he would likely succeed. Chrollo’s most notable victory was in his battle against Hisoka atHeavens Arena, where he defeated the formidable Nen user.
Combat Abilities
Preternatural Perception:
Chrollo has demonstrated an extraordinary ability to sense danger and detect hidden opponents. When pursued byKurapikaandGon, he was able to detect their presence and direction, despite other Troupe members failing to notice anything unusual. -
Enhanced Strength:
Chrollo ranked seventh in arm-wrestling among the Troupe, a notable feat for aSpecialist, who typically has weaker Enhancement skills. He has been shown piercing skulls with a pen and effortlessly lifting and throwing adult men over distances using a single arm. -
Immense Speed and Reflexes:
Chrollo’s speed is extraordinary. He was able to fight against Silva and Zeno, dodging or blocking their attacks. In one instance, he moved so fast that only a replay of surveillance footage revealed his hand chop onNeon Nostrade. His agility also allowed him to create over thirty puppets withGallery Fakeand blend back into a crowd within seconds during his fight with Hisoka. -
Enhanced Agility:
Chrollo can run on walls and leap horizontally between buildings. He deftly dodged Zeno’s long-range attacks while keeping Silva in sight, demonstrating impressive balance and quick recovery. In mid-air combat against Hisoka, he was able to dodge fast-moving projectiles. -
Genius-Level Intellect:
Despite his young age, Chrollo is a natural leader with a sharp intellect. He tricked the Mafia into believing he and several Troupe members were dead and manipulatedKurapikaby understanding his emotional weakness. His strategic mind allowed him to hold off both Zeno and Silva while planning to steal Zeno’s ability, showing his multitasking and tactical thinking skills. -
Master Strategist:
Chrollo excels at formulating strategies. He anticipated parts ofKurapika’splan, although ultimately outwitted by both Kurapika and Hisoka. Before his fight with Hisoka, Chrollo devised a strategy he claimed guaranteed victory, which he successfully executed. -
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant:
Chrollo’s hand-to-hand combat skills are exceptional. He held his own against the Zoldycks, using precise defense to dodge and block their attacks. His offensive abilities were showcased when he knocked outNeon Nostradewith a controlled hand chop, fast enough to behead her if he had intended it. -
Proficient Weapon Specialist:
Chrollo has killed skilled Nen users using just a pen and was able to injure Silva withBen’s Knifeduring their confrontation, showcasing his proficiency with various weapons.
Nen Abilities

Chrollo Lucilfer’s aura.
Specialist Nen User:
Chrollo’s Nen abilities place him among the most versatile and dangerous fighters in the series. He is aSpecialist, and his mastery of Nen is prodigious even by the standards of experienced Nen users. HisZetsuis so flawless that it allows him to approach opponents undetected, as noted by Silva. However, Hisoka has occasionally been able to sense Chrollo’s aura. -
Defensive Nen Usage:
Chrollo’s aura defense is exceptional, allowing him to withstand blows from Silva and Zeno without sustaining major injuries. He is also proficient inRen,Gyo, andTen, suggesting that he likely mastersKenas well. -
Skill Hunter:
Chrollo’s primary Nen ability,Skill Hunter, allows him to steal and use other Nen users’ abilities, which he stores in a book. This ability enables him to employ numerous stolen techniques simultaneously, reflecting his vast aura reserves and versatility. It is currently unknown if the proficiency of the original owner is replicated when Chrollo uses these abilities or if he relies solely on his skill. -
Judgment Chain:
Due toKurapika’s Judgment Chain, Chrollo temporarily lost the ability to use Nen. After an exorcism, he acquired new abilities, includingDouble FaceandThe Sun and Moon, which he used against Hisoka, implying his knowledge of post-mortem Nen and loopholes.
Spider Tattoo:Although Chrollo is the leader of thePhantom Troupe, the location of his spider tattoo, which bears the number 0, has never been revealed in the manga. In the 1999 anime adaptation, it was depicted on his right arm, though without the number.
Named After Lucifer:Chrollo’s surname, “Lucilfer,” is often interpreted as a reference toLucifer, a fallen angel from biblical mythology, aligning with his villainous role and dark, enigmatic persona.
Book Lover:Chrollo has a fondness for antique books, reflecting his intellectual side. Despite being a ruthless criminal, this detail adds a layer of depth to his character.
Founding the Troupe:Chrollo formed the Phantom Troupe as a teenager inMeteor Citywith several of the current members, includingUvogin,Machi, andShalnark. The group was originally formed with the intent of performing shows, but later evolved into a notorious band of thieves.
Calm in the Face of Death:Chrollo displays no fear of his own mortality and has been noted byMelodyto have a heartbeat that suggests he is content living alongside death. He prioritizes the survival of the Phantom Troupe over his own life.
Hisoka Rivalry:Despite Hisoka’s obsession with fighting him, Chrollo tends to avoid confrontation unless the circumstances interest him. However, Chrollo eventually fought and defeated Hisoka atHeavens Arena.
Silva Zoldyck Encounter:Chrollo previously foughtSilva Zoldyck, one of the world’s most feared assassins, although the exact circumstances and outcome of the fight are shrouded in mystery.
Emotional Complexity:While Chrollo is cold-blooded in battle, he has shown deep emotional attachments to his fellow Troupe members. He cried after reading his fortune, which hinted atUvogin’sdeath, and later orchestrated a massacre in Uvogin’s honor.
Childhood:Chrollo showed emotional sensitivity as a child, often bringing flowers to the graves of children in Meteor City’s church. Despite his future as a ruthless criminal, his early years hinted at a more caring and thoughtful personality.