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Docy turns out that context is a key part of learning.



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We design Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement



Did You Know?

We design Docy for the readers, optimizing not for page views or engagement



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Docy turns out that context is a key part of learning.



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Did You Know?

Advanced visual search system powered by Ajax



Did You Know?

Docy turns out that context is a key part of learning.

Bartholomew Kuma

Bartholomew Kuma, is a former Warlord of the Sea, the former king of the Sorbet Kingdom, and an officer and founding member of the Revolutionary Army. Known by the epithet “Tyrant,” Kuma was feared as a ruthless pirate, though much of his notoriety was fabricated by the World Government. With a bounty of Beli296,000,000, Kuma’s complex history includes his transformation into the first complete Pacifista cyborg by Vegapunk, his enslavement by the World Nobles, and his role as a secret ally of the Straw Hat Pirates.



Appearance in Anime

Kuma was born as a member of the near-extinct Buccaneer race, inheriting his lineage from his father, Clapp. As a child, Kuma was enslaved by the World Nobles but managed to escape during the God Valley Incident. Eventually, he became the king of the Sorbet Kingdom and later joined the Revolutionary Army, co-founding the organization alongside Monkey D. Dragon. Kuma’s compassionate nature and loyalty to his comrades led him to adopt Jewelry Bonney, the daughter of his late revolutionary ally Ginny.

Kuma’s life took a tragic turn when he struck a deal with the World Government to save Bonney from the fatal Sapphire Scales disease. In exchange, he agreed to undergo experimental modifications by Vegapunk, transforming him into a special type of cyborg known as a “Pacifista.” These modifications stripped him of his free will, leaving him as a mindless weapon for the government with the serial designation PX-0.

Photo Section with Captions


Kuma is an enormous man with a broad, muscular build and a towering height. His distinct appearance includes a bear-like hat, round sunglasses, and a dark jacket emblazoned with paw prints, reflecting his Devil Fruit powers. Post-modification, Kuma’s body is heavily augmented with mechanical enhancements, giving him an imposing, inhuman appearance. His stoic expression and silent demeanor contribute to his enigmatic presence.


Before his transformation, Kuma was a gentle and caring individual, committed to protecting those he loved and fighting for freedom alongside the Revolutionary Army. Despite being labeled a “Tyrant,” his actions often demonstrated his compassion and selflessness. After his conversion into a Pacifista, Kuma became a mindless weapon devoid of emotion or free will, a stark contrast to his former self. However, his lingering humanity is evident in moments like his decision to protect the Thousand Sunny and his enduring ties to the Revolutionary Army.

Role in the Story

Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago Arcs
Kuma was introduced as a Warlord of the Sea and initially appeared as a major antagonist. However, his actions, such as scattering the Straw Hat Pirates during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc, were later revealed to be for their benefit. By separating the crew, Kuma ensured their survival from Admiral Kizaru and gave them the opportunity to grow stronger for the challenges of the New World.

Summit War of Marineford
In his mindless Pacifista state, Kuma participated in the Summit War of Marineford, siding with the Marines alongside the other Warlords. His lack of autonomy during this period highlighted the tragedy of his transformation and loss of agency.

Egghead Arc
Kuma emerges as a significant ally and key figure in the events of the Egghead Arc. His backstory and ties to Vegapunk, the Revolutionary Army, and the Buccaneer race provide crucial context to his role in the ongoing narrative.

Revolutionary Army and Freedom
Kuma’s imprisonment and enslavement by the World Nobles twice in his lifetime—once as a child and later as punishment for protecting the Thousand Sunny—underscore the depth of his suffering. He was eventually freed from his second enslavement by his comrades in the Revolutionary Army during the Levely, marking a turning point in his story.


  • Monkey D. Dragon
    Kuma is one of Dragon’s closest allies and a founding member of the Revolutionary Army, reflecting his deep commitment to their cause.

  • Jewelry Bonney
    Kuma’s adoptive daughter, whom he protected at great personal cost, including his transformation into a Pacifista.

  • Vegapunk
    The scientist responsible for Kuma’s modifications. Despite turning Kuma into a weapon, Vegapunk’s motives and relationship with Kuma remain nuanced.

  • Straw Hat Pirates
    Kuma’s actions saved the crew from destruction and allowed them to grow stronger, cementing his role as a secret ally despite his initial portrayal as an antagonist.


    • Kuma’s Nikyu Nikyu no Mi grants him the ability to repel anything, including physical objects, pain, and even abstract concepts like memories.
      • He is the first character in One Piece to be fully transformed into a mindless cyborg under the Pacifista project.
      • Kuma’s role in scattering the Straw Hat Pirates was pivotal in setting the stage for the two-year timeskip.