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ACT ()

TheACT(/eɪ siː tiː/; originally an abbreviation ofAmerican College ing)[10]is a standardized used for college admissions in the United States. It is currently administered by ACT, a nonprofit organization of the same name.[10]The ACT covers four academic skill areas: English,mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. It also offers an optional direct writing . It is accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the United States as well as more than 225 universities outside of the U.S.

The main four ACT sections are individually scored on a scale of 1–36, and a composite score (the rounded whole number average of the four sections) is provided.

The ACT was first introduced in November 1959 byUniversity of Iowaprofessor Everett Franklin Lindquist as a competitor to the Scholastic Aptitude (SAT).[11]The ACT originally consisted of four s: English,Mathematics, Social Studies, and Natural Sciences. In 1989, however, the Social Studies was changed into a Reading section (which included a social sciences subsection), and the Natural Sciences was renamed the Science Reasoning , with more emphasis on problem-solving skills as opposed to memorizing scientific facts.[12]In February 2005, an optional Writing was added to the ACT. By the fall of 2017, computer-based ACT s were available for school-day ing in limited school districts in the US, with greater availability expected in fall of 2018.[13]

The ACT has seen a gradual increase in the number of takers since its inception, and in 2012 the ACT surpassed the SAT for the first time in total takers; that year, 1,666,017 students took the ACT and 1,664,479 students took the SAT.[14]

ACT logo.svg
Type Paper-based and computer based standardized
Developer / administrator ACT, Inc.
Knowledge / skills ed English, math, reading, science, writing (optional).
Purpose Undergraduate admissions (mostly in the US and Canadian universities or colleges).
Year started 1959 (1959)
Duration English: 45 minutes,
Math: 60 minutes,
Reading: 35 minutes,
Science: 35 minutes,
Optional writing : 40 minutes.
Total: 3 hours and 35 minutes (excluding breaks).[1]
Score / grade range Composite score: 1 to 36,
Subscore (for each of the four subject areas): 1 to 36.
(All in 1-point increments.)[2]
Offered US and Canada: 7 times a year.[3]
Other countries: 5 times a year.[4]
Countries / regions Worldwide[5][6]
Languages English
Annual number of takers DecreaseOver 1.91 million high school graduates in the class of 2018[7]
Prerequisites / eligibility criteria No official prerequisite. Intended for high school students. Fluency inEnglishassumed.
Fee Without writing: US$46.00.
With writing: US$62.50.
Outside the US or Canada: US$47.50 in addition to above.[8](Fee waivers are available for 11th or 12th grade students who are US citizens or ing in the US or US territories, and have demonstrated financial need.[9])
Scores / grades used by Colleges or universities offering undergraduate programs (mostly in the US and Canada).
Website www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act.html[53]


ACT, Inc., says that the ACT assessment measures high school students’ general educational development and their capability to complete college-level work with the multiple choice s covering four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The optional Writing measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.[15]Specifically, ACT states that its scores provide an indicator of “college readiness”, and that scores in each of the subs correspond to skills in entry-level college courses in English, algebra, social science, humanities, and biology.[16]According to a research study conducted by ACT, Inc. in 2003, there was a relationship between a student’s ACT composite score and the probability of him or her earning a college degree.[17]

To develop the , ACT incorporates the objectives for instruction from middle and high schools throughout the United States, reviews approved textbooks for subjects taught in Grades 7–12, and surveys educators on which knowledge skills are relevant to success in postsecondary education. ACT publishes a technical manual that summarizes studies conducted on its validity in predicting freshman GPA, equating different high school GPAs, and measuring educational achievement.[18]

Colleges use the ACT and the SAT because there are substantial differences in funding, curricula, grading, and difficulty among U.S. secondary schools due to American federalism, local control, the prevalence of private, distance,home schooledstudents, and lack of a rigorous college entrance examination system similar those used in some other countries. ACT scores are used to supplement the secondary school record and help admission officers put local data—such as coursework, grades, and class rank—in a national perspective.[19]

The majority of colleges do not indicate a preference for the SAT or ACT exams and accept both, being treated equally by most admissions officers.[20]According to “Uni in the USA,” colleges that also require students to take the SAT Subject s do so regardless of whether the candidate took the SAT or ACT;[20]however, some colleges accept the ACT in place of the SAT subject s[21]and some accept the optional ACT Writing section in place of an SAT Subject .[22]

Most colleges use ACT scores as only one factor in the admission process. A sampling of ACT admissions scores shows that the 75th percentile composite score was 24.1 at public four-year institutions and 25.3 at private four-year institutions. Students should check with their prospective institutions directly to understand ACT admissions requirements.

In addition, some states and individual school districts have used the ACT to assess the student learning and/or the performance of schools, requiring all high school students to take the ACT, regardless of whether they are college bound. Colorado andIllinoiswere the first to incorporate the ACT as part of their mandatory ing program in 2001. Other states followed suit in subsequent years. During the 2018–2019 school year, 13 states will administer the ACT to all public school 11th graders, and another six states will fund ACT administration as an option or choice for districts.

While the exact manner in which ACT scores will help to determine admission of a student at American institutions of higher learning is generally a matter decided by the individual institution, some foreign countries have made ACT (and SAT) scores a legal criterion in deciding whether holders of American high school diplomas will be admitted at their public universities.

The ACT is more widely used in the Midwestern, Rocky Mountain, andSouthernUnited States, whereas the SAT is more popular on theEastandWestcoasts. Recently, however, the ACT is being used more on the East Coast.[23]Use of the ACT by colleges has risen as a result of various criticisms of the effectiveness and fairness of the SAT.


The required portion of the ACT is divided into four multiple choice subject s: English,mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. Subject scores range from 1 to 36; all scores are integers. The English, mathematics, and reading s also have subscores ranging from 1 to 18 (the subject score is not the sum of the subscores). In addition, students taking the optional writing receive a writing score ranging from 2 to 12 (this is a change from the previous 1–36 score range); the writing score does not affect the composite score. The ACT has eliminated the combined English/writing score and has added two new combined scores: ELA (an average of the English, Reading, and Writing scores) and STEM (an average of the Math and Science scores).[24][25]These changes for the writing, ELA, and STEM scores were effective starting with the September 2015 .[26]

Each question answered correctly is worth one raw point, and there is no penalty for marking incorrect answers on the multiple-choice parts of the ; a student can answer all questions without a decrease in their score due to incorrect answers. This is parallel to several AP s eliminating the penalties for incorrect answers. To improve the result, students can retake the : 55% of students who retake the ACT improve their scores, 22% score the same, and 23% see their scores decrease.[27]


The first section is the 45-minute English covering usage/mechanics, sentence structure, andrhetoricalskills. The 75-question consists of five passages with various sections underlined on one side of the page and options to correct the underlined portions on the other side of the page. Specifically, questions focus on usage and mechanics – issues such as commas, apostrophes, (misplaced/dangling) modifiers, colons, and fragments and run-ons – as well as on rhetorical skills – style (clarity and brevity), strategy, transitions, and organization (sentences in a paragraph and paragraphs in a passage) – and sentence structure – constructing sentences in a stylistically and grammatically correct manner.


The second section is a 60-minute, 60-question math with the usual distribution of questions being approximately 14 covering pre-algebra, 10 elementaryalgebra, 9 intermediate algebra, 14 plane geometry, 9 coordinate geometry, and 4 elementary trigonometry questions.[28]However, the distribution of question topics varies from to . The difficulty of questions usually increases as you get to higher question numbers. Calculators are permitted in this section only. The calculator requirements are stricter than the SAT’s in that computer algebra systems (such as the TI-89) are not allowed; however, the ACT permits calculators with paper tapes, that make noise (but must be disabled), or that have power cords with certain “modifications” (i.e., disabling the mentioned features), which the SAT does not allow.[29]Standard graphing calculators, such as the TI-83 and TI-84, are allowed. Within the TI-Nspire family, the standard and CX versions are allowed while the CX CAS is not. This is the only section that has five answer choices per question instead of four.


The reading section is a 35-minute, 40-question that consists of four sections, three of which contain one long prose passage and one which contains two shorter prose passages. The passages are representative of the levels and kinds of text commonly encountered in first-year college curricula. This reading assesses skills in three general categories: key ideas and details, craft and structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas. questions will usually ask students to derive meaning from texts referring to what is explicitly stated or by reasoning to determine implicit meanings. Specifically, questions will ask you to use referring and reasoning skills to determine main ideas; locate and interpret significant details; understand sequences of events; make comparisons; comprehend cause-effect relationships; determine the meaning of context-dependent words, phrases, and statements; draw generalizations; and analyze the author’s or narrator’s voice and method.[30]


The science is a 35-minute, 40-question . There are seven passages each followed by five to seven questions. The passages have three different formats: Data Representation, Research Summary, and Conflicting Viewpoints. While the format used to be very predictable (i.e. there were always three Data Representation passages with 5 questions following each, 3 Research Summary passages with six questions each, and one Conflicting Viewpoints passage with 7 questions),[31]when the number of passages was reduced from 7 to 6, more variability in the number of each passage type started to appear. But so far, there is still always only one Conflicting Viewpoints passage. These changes are very recent, and the only reference to them so far is in the recently released practice on the ACT website.[32]


The optional writing section, which is always administered at the end of the , is 40 minutes (increasing from the original 30-minute time limit on the September 2015 ). While no particular essay structure is required, the essays must be in response to a given prompt; the prompts are about broad social issues (changing from the old prompts which were directly applicable to teenagers), and students must analyze three different perspectives given and show how their opinion relates to these perspectives. The essay does not affect the composite score or the English section score; it is only given as a separate writing score and is included in the ELA score. Two trained readers assign each essay subscores between 1 and 6 in four different categories: Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, Language Use and Conventions. Scores of 0 are reserved for essays that are blank, off-topic, non-English, not written with a no. 2 pencil, or considered illegible after several attempts at reading. The subscores from the two different readers are summed to produce final domain scores from 2 to 12 (or 0) in each of the four categories. If the two readers’ subscores differ by more than one point, then a senior third reader makes the final decision on the score. The four domain scores are combined through a process that has not been described to create a writing section score between 1 and 36. Note that the domain scores are not added to create the writing section score.[25][33]

Although the writing section is optional, many colleges require an essay score and will factor it into the admissions decision (but fewer than half of all colleges have this requirement).[34]


For the original standardization groups, the mean composite score on the ACT was 18, and the standard deviation 6.[35]These statistics vary from year to year for current populations of ACT takers.

The chart below summarizes each section and the average score based on graduating high school seniors in 2017.[7][36]

Section Number of questions Time (minutes) Score Range Average score (2018) College Readiness Benchmark Content
English 75 45 1–36 20.2 18 Usage/mechanics and rhetorical skills
Mathematics 60 60 1–36 20.5 22 Pre-algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, coordinate geometry, geometry, elementary trigonometry, reasoning, and problem-solving
Reading 40 35 1–36 21.3 22 Reading comprehension
Science 40 35 1–36 20.7 23 Interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving
Optional Writing (not included in composite score) 1 essay prompt 40 1–12 6.5 Writing skills
Composite 1–36 20.8 Average (mean) of all section scores except Writing

Highest score

The table below summarizes how many students achieved a composite score of 36 on the ACT between the years of 1997 and 2017.[37]

Year Number of students who achieved a 36 Number of students overall % of students who achieved a 36
2017 2,760 2,030,038 0.1359
2014 1,407 1,845,787 0.07622
2013 1,162 1,799,243 0.06458
2012 781 1,666,017 0.04687
2011 704 1,623,112 0.04337
2010 588 1,568,835 0.03748
2009 638 1,480,469 0.04309
2008 428 1,421,941 0.03010
2007 314 1,300,599 0.02414
2006 216 1,206,455 0.01790
2005 193 1,186,251 0.01627
2004 224 1,171,460 0.01912
2003 195 1,175,059 0.01659
2002 134 1,116,082 0.01201
2001 89 1,069,772 0.00832
2000 131 1,065,138 0.01230
1999 85 1,019,053 0.00834
1998 71 995,039 0.00714
1997 74 959,301 0.00771

College admissions

The ACT Assessment Student Report, at ACT.org, provides the typical ACT Composite averages for college and universities admission policies. They caution that “because admission policies vary across colleges, the score ranges should be considered rough guidelines.” Following is a list of the average composite scores that typically are accepted at colleges or universities.[38]

  • Highly selective(majority of accepted freshmen in top 10% of high school graduating class): scores27–30

  • Selective(majority of accepted freshmen in top 25% of high school graduating class): scores25–27

  • Traditional(majority of accepted freshmen in top 50% of high school graduating class): scores22–24

  • Liberal(some freshmen from lower half of high school graduating class): scores18–21

  • Open(all high school graduates accepted, to limit of capacity): scores17–20


The ACT is offered seven times a year in the United States and its territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada: in September, October, December, February, April, June, and July. (In New York State, the is not offered in July.) In other locations, the ACT is offered five times a year: in September, October, December, April, and June.[39]The ACT is offered only on Saturdays except for those with credible religious obligations, who may take the on another day.[40]

The ACT is designed, administered, and scored so that there is no advantage to ing on one particular date.[41]

Candidates may choose either the ACT assessment ($50.50), or the ACT assessment plus writing ($67.00).[42]

Students with verifiable disabilities, including physical and learning disabilities, are eligible to take the with accommodations. The standard time increase for students requiring additional time due to disabilities is 50%.[43]Originally, the score sheet was labeled that additional time was granted due to a learning disability; however, this was ultimately dropped because it was deemed illegal under theAmericans with Disabilities Actand could be perceived as an unfair designator of disability.

Scores are sent to the student, his or her high school, and up to four colleges of the student’s choice (optional).[44]

section durations

Time is a major factor to consider in ing.

The ACT is generally regarded as being composed of somewhat easier questions versus the SAT[45], but the shorter time allotted to complete each section increases difficulty. The ACT allows:

  • 45 minutes for a 75-question English section

  • 60 minutes for a 60-question Mathematics section

  • 35 minutes for a 40-question Reading section

  • 35 minutes for a 40-question Science section

Comparatively, the SAT is structured such that the taker is allowed at least one minute per question, on generally shorter sections (25 or fewer questions). Times may be adjusted as a matter of accommodation for certain disabilities or other impairments.

Score cumulative percentages and comparison with SAT

Sixty percent—about 2.03 million students—of the 2017 high school graduating class took the ACT. For the graduating class of 2017, the average composite score was a 21.0. Of these -takers, 46% were male and 52% were female, with 2% not reporting a gender. 2,760 students in the graduating class of 2017 received the highest ACT composite score of 36.[46]

The following chart shows, for each ACT score from 11 to 36, the corresponding ACT percentile and equivalent total SAT score or score range.[47](Concordance data for ACT scores less than 11 is not yet available for the current version of the SAT.) Note that ACT percentiles are defined as the percentage of takers scoring at or below the given score.

SAT combined score (Math + Reading/Writing) ACT composite score The percentile of students at or below this score for the ACT (not SAT)
1600 36 100%
1560–1590 35 99.9%
1520–1550 34 99%
1490–1510 33 98%
1450–1480 32 97%
1420–1440 31 96%
1390–1410 30 94%
1350–1380 29 92%
1310–1340 28 89%
1280–1300 27 86%
1240–1270 26 82%
1200–1230 25 78%
1160–1190 24 74%
1130–1150 23 69%
1100–1120 22 63%
1060–1090 21 57%
1020–1050 20 51%
980–1010 19 44%
940–970 18 38%
900–930 17 31%
860–890 16 25%
810–850 15 19%
760–800 14 13%
720–750 13 8%
630–710 12 4%
560–620 11 1%

Score vs Percentile for English Section

Score The percentile of students at or below this score
36 100%
35 99%
34 99%
33 97%
32 96%
31 94%
30 93%
29 91%
28 88%
27 85%
26 82%
25 78%
24 73%
23 68%
22 63%
21 57%
20 50%
19 43%
18 38%
17 33%
16 29%
15 24%
14 18%
13 14%
12 11%
11 9%

Score vs Percentile for Mathematics Section

Score The percentile of students at or below this score
36 99%
35 99%
34 99%
33 98%
32 97%
31 96%
30 94%
29 93%
28 91%
27 88%
26 84%
25 79%
24 74%
23 67%
22 61%
21 57%
20 52%
19 47%
18 41%
17 34%
16 26%
15 14%
14 6%
13 2%
12 1%
11 1%

Score vs Percentile for Reading Section

Score The percentile of students at or below this score
36 99%
35 99%
34 99%
33 97%
32 95%
31 93%
30 91%
29 87%
28 85%
27 82%
26 78%
25 75%
24 71%
23 66%
22 60%
21 54%
20 48%
19 42%
18 39%
17 30%
16 25%
15 19%
14 15%
13 10%
12 6%
11 3%

Score vs Percentile for Science Section

Score The percentile of students at or below this score
36 99%
35 99%
34 99%
33 99%
32 98%
31 97%
30 96%
29 95%
28 93%
27 91%
26 87%
25 83%
24 77%
23 70%
22 62%
21 56%
20 47%
19 38%
18 34%
17 21%
16 19%
15 15%
14 11%
13 8%
12 5%
11 3%


Use by high IQ societies

American Mensa is a high IQ society that allows the ACT for membership if the was taken prior to September 1989; a composite score of 29 or above is required.[49]The Triple Nine Society also accepts the old ACT for admission, with a qualifying score of 32; after September 1989 the qualifying score is 34.[50]

See also

  • ACT (nonprofit organization)#Other ACT programs

  • College admissions in the United States

  • Global Assessment Certificate

  • List of admission s to colleges and universities

  • Math–verbal achievement gap

  • PLAN ()

  • SAT

  • 2019 college admissions bribery scandal



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Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org” Center Locations, Dates, and Codes”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org” Center Codes – International – ACT Student”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“The ACT Profile Report – National, Graduating Class 2018”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“Current ACT Fees and Services”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“The ACT Help and Frequently Asked Questions – Am I eligible for a fee waiver?”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“About ACT: History”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkencarta.msn.comACT Assessment

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.erikthered.com“A (Mostly) Brief History Of The SAT and ACTs”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkmagoosh.com“When Will the ACT Start Computer-Based ing?”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linknews.yahoo.com“SAT scores edge down; ACT now more popular exam”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgThe

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Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“The ACT-Measure High School Student Readiness for College”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orghttp://www.act.org/research/researchers/reports/pdf/ACT_RR2012-2.pdf

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgThe ACT Technical Manual

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.conejousd.org“SAT/ACT Information”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“Entrance Exam For College – College Entrance Exams – University In The USA”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.uniintheusa.comthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.huffingtonpost.com“ACT? SAT? Subject s? No s? Holy Moly! Who Is Requiring What These Days?”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“SAT vs. ACT – Prep Tutoring & Classes – NYC, NY”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.cautoring.comthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.ebscohost.com“ACT Scores Improve; More on East Coast Taking the SAT’s Rival”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.worldcat.org0277-4232

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“What’s Next for the ACT – Updates and Enhancements”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“The ACT for Students”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“Newsroom – Press Kit, Digital Media Library, and Press Releases”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“The ACT-Getting Ready for Day”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“ACT FAQ: Can I use a calculator?”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“Description of Reading “

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orghttp://www.act.org/aap/pdf/Preparing-for-the-ACT.pdf

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“The ACT for Students”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“Comparison Between the SAT and ACT: Requirements differences between the two college admissions standardized s”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkacceptedtocollege.comthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.boone.kyschools.us“Taking the ACT”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“ACT Prep:Description of the ACT Assessment”

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Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“The ACT® Data”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orghttp://www.act.org/research/researchers/briefs/2002-1.html#UItAIYq5fw

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“Registration – The ACT “

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.org“The ACT Help and Frequently Asked Questions – Is Non-Saturday ing Available?”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orghttp://www.act.org/research/researchers/briefs/2001-1.html#UIX3TYYq5fw

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“Current ACT Fees and Services”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.org“ACT Services for Students with Disabilities”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.org“ACT Score Information: ACT Score Report Descriptions”

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkweb.archive.orgArchived

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.icon-plus.com“ACT Versus SAT: Popular Doesn’t Mean Better”

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Citation Linkwww.act.org“Condition of College and Career Readiness 2017”

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Citation Linkcollegereadiness.collegeboard.org“Higher Ed Brief: SAT Concordance”

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Citation Linkweb.archive.org“Archived copy”

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Citation Linkwww.universityofcalifornia.eduthe original

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Citation Linkwww.us.mensa.org“Qualifying scores – American Mensa, Ltd”

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Citation Linkweb.archive.org“Archived copy”

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Citation Linkwww.triplenine.orgthe original

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.actstudent.orgACT Taker’s Site

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

Citation Linkwww.act.orgACT Corporate Site

Sep 26, 2019, 11:45 PM

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