According to Darius in his inscription:
King Darius says: After I had slain Gaumâta, the Magian, a certain man named ššina, the son of Upadarma, raised a rebellion inElam, and he spoke thus unto the people ofElam: ‘I am king inElam.’ Thereupon the people ofElambecame rebellious, and they went over unto that ššina: he became king inElam. And a certain Babylonian named Nidintu-Bêl, the son of Kîn-Zêr, raised a rebellion in Babylon: he lied to the people, saying: ‘I am Nebuchadnezzar, the son of Nabonidus.’ Then did all the province of Babylonia go over to Nidintu-Bêl, and Babylonia rose in rebellion. He seized on the kingdom of Babylonia. King Darius says: Then I sent (an envoy?) toElam. That ššina was brought unto me in fetters, and I killed him.— Behistun inscription[2][3]