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Tao Jeanne, the Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden Jeanne (アイアンメイデン・ジャンヌ, Aian Meiden Jannu) is a prominent character in the Shaman King manga and anime series. Renowned for her strength and conviction, she is a powerful shaman and serves as both the leader and the symbolic figurehead of the X-Laws, a group dedicated to eradicating evil and ensuring justice through their rigid and uncompromising ideals. Jeanne’s stoic demeanor and unwavering dedication to her mission are central to her character, earning her respect and fear among her peers and adversaries alike.

After the events of the Shaman Fight, Jeanne’s life takes a more personal turn as she marries Tao Ren, one of the series’ major characters, and adopts his surname. She is later referred to as Tao Jeanne, the Iron Maiden (道タオ・アイアンメイデン・ジャンヌ, Tao Aian Meiden Jannu), signifying her enduring legacy as a formidable shaman and her role in shaping the post-Shaman Fight world. Her evolution from a revered leader to a partner and family member highlights her multifaceted character and the depth of her story arc.



Appearance in Anime

Iron Maiden Jeanne is distinguished by her striking red eyes, extremely long silver hair, and her almost fragile, ethereal appearance. Her charismatic aura often leaves a strong impression on those who encounter her, with Tamamura Tamao even describing her as a “princess” upon hearing her speak for the first time. Within her iron maiden chamber, Jeanne is typically nude except for a pair of old-fashioned pink pajama pants. When she adopts her armored oversoul form, her attire transforms into a purplish metallic leotard with several distinct features, including four metallic protrusions on her midsection, an iron belt with a key lock at its center, a purplish cap with the Iron Maiden hat at the back, and sandals with spikes piercing her feet. She also dons a giant lock resembling a chastity belt on her abdominal region and large thumbscrews on her hands, further emphasizing her somber and ceremonial appearance.

During the mission to rescue Tao Ren, Jeanne opts for a Victorian-era style dress paired with elegant dress shoes. This dress, crafted from high-class materials by a skilled tailor, is revealed to be her favorite, although she finds its frills slightly cumbersome and expresses a preference for simpler clothing. In her adult years, Jeanne continues to favor her Victorian-era style dress but adapts her look after marrying Tao Ren and becoming a housewife. She cuts her hair shorter and adopts a more practical and modest wardrobe, often seen in a simple blouse and dress combination, typically complemented by a frilled apron that highlights her new role.

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Jeanne possesses a noble and pious heart, driven by her unwavering devotion to justice and righteousness. However, her detachment from the outside world, having been sheltered from normal human experiences since childhood, leaves her with a limited understanding of life’s complexities. This isolation fosters a certain arrogance in her demeanor, though her intentions remain pure and free of malice. Jeanne harbors a passionate hatred for Asakura Hao, whom she views as the embodiment of ultimate evil. Her self-perception as a martyr for the greater good fuels her actions, as she seeks to rid the world of darkness and chaos. Despite her soft-spoken and compassionate nature towards her allies, especially Lyserg Diethel, Jeanne’s rigid worldview prevents her from recognizing the nuances between good and evil, seeing the world in stark black and white.

Jeanne’s relentless pursuit of peace leads her to kill anyone who opposes her, sparing none unless they yield to her ideals. She firmly believes her actions, no matter how extreme, are justified by the ultimate goal of a better world. However, after the Shaman Fights, Jeanne undergoes significant personal growth. She comes to understand the flaws in her methods and embraces a philosophy of nonviolence, vowing that no one should kill, regardless of the circumstances. She instills this belief as an unshakable rule in her son. In a pivotal moment of self-awareness, Jeanne even commands her guardian spirit, Shamash, to impose a death sentence on herself when confronted by Black Maiden, striving to prevent her adversary from committing murder and highlighting her transformation into a figure of true compassion and accountability.


Born on March 2, 1990, in Lorraine, France, Jeanne was an orphan raised at Mont-Saint-Michel. From a young age, she demonstrated extraordinary willpower and shamanic abilities, which drew the attention of Luchist and Marco Lasso. They convinced her that she was a holy figure destined to defeat Asakura Hao and save the world. Under their guidance, she took on the identity of the Iron Maiden, a martyr-like figure who would bear the world’s sins and pain in exchange for the power to bring justice. Jeanne bonded with the god of justice, Shamash, as her Guardian Ghost and dedicated herself to a life of righteousness, though her perspective became deeply black-and-white.

Jeanne appeared at the Shaman Fight’s opening ceremony at Mimata Hall alongside the X-Laws. She later boarded the Patch Jumbo with other competitors and embarked on the mission to locate the Patch Village. When the jumbo revealed itself as an Over Soul and disintegrated mid-flight, Jeanne and the X-Laws survived the fall and reached the Patch Village within the required three months. Once there, she formed Team “X-I” with Marco and Lyserg Diethel, advancing to the second round of the competition.

In the second round, Jeanne’s team faced Team “Niles.” During the match, Lyserg hesitated to kill their opponents, prompting Jeanne to intervene. She stepped out of her Iron Maiden to activate her Over Soul and swiftly eliminated the opposing team. Jeanne’s resolve extended beyond the battlefield; she agreed to revive Tao Ren after his death but demanded Yoh’s withdrawal from the competition in exchange. Her dedication to her allies was evident when she used Shamash to heal Marco after he was gravely injured during an ambush, even at great personal cost.

When Hao was declared Shaman King by default, Jeanne and her allies attempted to pursue him into the Plants but were intercepted by Luchist. In the ensuing battle, Marco was gravely injured, leaving Jeanne shaken. During the confrontation with Blon in the second Plant, Jeanne broke the lock on her Iron Maiden and summoned Shamash’s Over Soul in the form of a guillotine. She revived fallen allies such as Horohoro and Ren, but the effort drained her Furyoku, forcing her to remain behind and pray for their success. As Hao awakened, Jeanne experienced the overwhelming sorrow of his victims and was absorbed into the Great Spirit. Inside, she tried to reach Hao through love, summoning Shamash to embrace him, but Luchist stopped her, fearing the danger of Hao’s black hole.

Seven years after the Shaman Fight, Jeanne transformed the X-Laws into a charitable organization and traveled across Europe. During this time, she met Tao Ren, and the two eventually married and had a son, Tao Men. After giving birth, Jeanne stepped back from leadership duties to focus on raising her child, leaving Ren in charge of their humanitarian efforts.

Jeanne became a target during the conflict with Red Crimson, a group seeking revenge on the Tao Family. Despite her commitment to nonviolence, Jeanne was fatally caught in the conflict. To prevent Black Maiden, one of her attackers, from becoming a murderer, Jeanne used Shamash to impose a death sentence on herself. Kamogawa Yohsuke manipulated time to make it appear that Niaes Varge killed Jeanne, and her spirit was later taken as Black Maiden’s guardian ghost for the Flower of Maize.

Following Jeanne’s death, the Tao Family respected her and Ren’s wishes by not reviving her, instead building a grave in her honor. Members of the X-Laws, including John Denbat, Meene Montgomery, and Hans Reiheit, voluntarily guarded her grave, showcasing their unwavering loyalty and devotion to their leader even after her passing.

Powers and Abilities

Jeanne possesses one of the highest Furyoku levels among shamans, rivaled only by Saigan Sati and second only to Hao. Her immense power is further enhanced by her rigorous training regimen, which involves spending nearly all her time inside an iron maiden. This device places her in a near-death state by continuously inflicting pain through sharp iron spikes and nails, causing her to oscillate between harm and healing. This cycle of suffering gradually amplifies her Furyoku reserves. Despite her slender frame, Jeanne’s time within the iron maiden demonstrates her extraordinary resilience and willpower.

The iron maiden itself, made of solid iron, is an imposing and heavy artifact, symbolizing her commitment to sacrifice for her cause. However, its durability was challenged when it was crushed by Magna, one of the Patch Officiants. Afterward, the iron maiden was repaired and stored at Funbari Onsen, though it was later stolen by Team YVS.

Jeanne’s Guardian Ghost is Shamash, the Babylonian god of justice and a God Class spirit. Shamash grants Jeanne formidable powers, including the ability to summon divine torture devices to judge and execute her opponents. These tools reflect Jeanne’s unwavering belief in justice and her role as a martyr-like figure.

One of Shamash’s most notable abilities is resurrection. Jeanne can bring the dead back to life by channeling Shamash’s power, typically through a kiss on the lips. She likens this unique form of revival to the tale of Sleeping Beauty, underscoring her belief in redemption and salvation even for those who have fallen.


Tao Ren
Jeanne’s relationship with Ren evolves over the course of the series, culminating in their marriage after the Shaman Fight. Their bond symbolizes reconciliation and the possibility of harmony between opposing forces.

Jeanne is revered by the X-Laws as both their leader and a divine figure. While she shares a deep bond with her followers, their extreme methods often place her at odds with others.

Asakura Yoh and Hao
Jeanne sees Yoh as a kindred spirit with the potential for greatness, while her mission to stop Hao drives much of her involvement in the Shaman Fight.


Iron Maiden Jeanne is remembered as a symbol of unwavering justice and spiritual discipline in the Shaman King series. Her journey from the devout leader of the X-Laws to Tao Jeanne, a figure of reconciliation and peace, highlights themes of redemption, growth, and the complexity of morality. Jeanne’s impact on the story endures through her leadership, her relationships, and her role in shaping the future of the shamanic world.


    • Jeanne’s spirit ally, Shamash, is based on the Mesopotamian god of justice, reflecting her role as an arbiter of righteousness.
    • Her iron maiden serves as both a symbolic and literal representation of her devotion to justice, heightening her spiritual power through pain and endurance.
    • Jeanne’s transition to Tao Jeanne in the post-tournament story reflects her growth beyond the X-Laws’ doctrines, embracing a more balanced worldview.