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Abdülmecid I

Kikoru Shinomiya

Kikoru Shinomiya(四ノ宮 キコル) is a central protagonist in the Kaiju No. 8 series. As the daughter of Defense Force Director General Isao Shinomiya, she comes from a prestigious lineage and serves as a member of the Third Division. After the destruction of Tachikawa Base, Kikoru is reassigned to the First Division, where she undergoes rigorous training under the mentorship of Gen Narumi, sharpening her skills to take on even more formidable Kaiju threats.

Abdulmejid I
عبد المجيد اول
*Ottoman Caliph
Amir al-Mu’minin
Sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Kayser-i Rûm
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
Knight of the Garter
Order of the Tower and Sword*
31st Ottoman Sultan (Emperor)
Reign 2 July 1839 – 25 June 1861
Predecessor Mahmud II
Successor Abdülaziz
Born 25 April 1823[1][2]
Constantinople,Ottoman Empire
Died 25 June 1861(1861-06-25)(aged 38)
Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
Yavuz Selim Mosque, Fatih, Istanbul
Consorts Servetseza Kadın
Tirimüjgan Kadın
Düzdidil Kadın
Şevkefza Kadın
Zeynifelek Hanım
Gülcemal Kadın
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Şayeste Hanım
Serfiraz Hanım
Gülüstü Hanım
Issue see below
Full name
Abdul Mecid bin Mahmud
Dynasty Ottoman
Father Mahmud II
Mother Bezmiâlem Sultan
Religion Sunni Islam
Tughra Abdulmejid I عبد المجيد اول's signature
Full name
Abdul Mecid bin Mahmud


Kikoru Shinomiya initially comes across as arrogant and prideful, exuding confidence that often leads her to look down on others she deems inferior. Her blunt nature and willingness to humiliate those around her without hesitation reflect her belief in her own superiority. However, Kikoru is also fiercely determined and hardworking, always striving to improve and become stronger. Even when dealing with superior officers, she maintains her confidence, though with a more respectful and composed demeanor. Beneath this seemingly haughty exterior, Kikoru genuinely cares for her comrades. On the battlefield, she makes every effort to protect her team, doing whatever it takes to prevent injuries and casualties. Her loyalty runs deep, as shown by her gratitude toward Kafka Hibino for saving her life and her commitment to keeping his secret. Despite her tough, unyielding nature, she quietly prioritizes the well-being of her allies, supporting them whenever possible. Kikoru’s drive to join the Defense Force stems from her admiration for her parents, who were both members. However, after her mother, Hikari Shinomiya, passed away, she developed deep insecurities that pushed her to constantly improve in order to keep the promise she made to her mother. The immense pressure from her father, Isao Shinomiya, only intensified her need to become stronger, as she feared losing anyone else close to her. Her relationship with her family, especially her father, is fraught with insecurity and emotional conflict, leading her to break down in moments of despair. These feelings were exacerbated by her father’s death, amplifying her trauma and further fueling her desire to grow stronger. Despite her struggles, Kikoru remains polite and professional when interacting with higher-ranking officers, a trait likely ingrained in her from a young age due to her military upbringing.


Sultan Abdulmejid (left) with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Emperor Napoleon III of France

Kikoru’s casual attire

Dolmabahçe Palace, the first European-style palace in Istanbul, was built by Abdulmejid between 1843 and 1856, at a cost of five million Ottoman gold pounds, the equivalent of 35 tons of gold. Fourteen tons of gold was used to adorn the interior ceiling of the palace. The world's largest Bohemian crystal chandelier, a gift from Queen Victoria, is in the centre hall. The palace has the largest collection of Bohemian and Baccarat crystal chandeliers in the world, and even the staircases are made of Baccarat crystal.

Kikoru’s attire when in battle

During the reign of Abdulmejid, besides European style architecture and European style clothing adopted by the court, the Ottoman educational system was also mainly based on the European model.

Kikoru as a child

Kikoru is portrayed as an arrogant and prideful individual, exuding confidence in her abilities and often looking down on those she considers inferior. Despite her haughty demeanor, she is also persistent and determined, continuously striving to improve herself and enhance her strength. While she maintains her confidence even in the presence of superior officers, she expresses it in a more polite and respectful manner, showcasing her growth alongside her pride.

Beneath her confident exterior, Kikoru genuinely cares for her comrades and does everything within her power to prevent casualties and injuries on the battlefield. Her loyalty is evident in her gratitude toward Kafka Hibino for saving her and her commitment to keeping his secret. Although her proud and fearless demeanor may obscure this trait, Kikoru is deeply concerned for her allies’ well-being, going to great lengths to ensure their safety and offer support whenever necessary.

It is revealed that Kikoru used to be very fond of her parents’ work as Defense Force members, and this brought her to desire to join the Force herself. However, every since Hikari Shinomiya’s death, Kikoru grew a hidden yet large sense of insecurity that brought her to push herself to get stronger and stronger, in order to keep the promise made to her mother. This, in tandem with Isao Shinomiya’s overly high expectations on Kikoru, cause her to constantly feel the need to get stronger to avoid the death of anyone around her. Her relationship with her father and everything regarding her family as a whole seem to make her insecure and hesitant, easily breaking down in despair. This feelings obviously increased ever since Isao’s death with her wish to get stronger growing again due to living the same trauma twice. Hidden in Kikoru’s subconscious, in fact, lies her obsessive desire of being praised by her parents and grant their approval, fueling her will to become stronger in order to prove to be worthy of their praise.

Kikoru appears to be very polite and professional when speaking to higher ups and superiors, being probably used to speaking to military officers due to her upbringing.

Powers & Abilities

Overall Abilities: Kikoru, the daughter of two renowned high-ranking former Defense Force soldiers, possesses prodigious talent in combat. Despite being a first-year rookie, her peers and superiors recognize her combat prowess as unparalleled, enabling her to single-handedly neutralize hordes of Yoju and their Honju with minimal effort. Her exceptional combat skills, combined with remarkable Unleashed Combat Power and tactical acumen, have garnered praise from senior officers, many of whom believe she will become a crucial asset to the Defense Force in the future. From the moment she enlisted, her abilities granted her the privilege of wielding a personal weapon in battle—an honor typically reserved for higher-ranking Division members. Keiji Itami has noted that watching Kikoru on the battlefield evokes memories of her mother, former Second Division Captain Hikari Shinomiya.

After receiving Numbers Weapon 4 from Captain Gen Narumi, Kikoru’s already exceptional physical attributes underwent significant enhancement. This upgrade enabled her to easily spar with Gen, who was also equipped with a Numbers Weapon, and to eliminate kaiju with a Fortitude level of 7.0. The suit grants her the ability to temporarily match the power of Identified Kaiju, such as Kaiju No. 15. While wearing Numbers Weapon 4, Kikoru can access Kaiju No. 4’s memories, allowing her to see her mother’s Ghost. This connection enables her to mimic her mother’s movements and refine her combat techniques. By following her mother’s Ghost in battle and replicating its moves, Kikoru’s combat prowess escalates to levels comparable to that of a Captain-level officer.


The Crimean War medal issued by Abdulmejid to British, French and Sardinian allied personnel involved in the Crimean War (Sardinian issue)

Kikoru’s Numbers Weapon 4 combat suit

Abdulmejid in his youth, by David Wilkie, 1840.

Kikoru’s combat suit (formerly)

The türbe of Abdulmejid is located inside the Yavuz Selim Mosque in Fatih, Istanbul.

Kikoru showing her power by lifting a van.

  • Flight: While using Numbers Weapon 4, Kikoru is able to fly long distances at extreme speeds.

  • High Unleashed Combat Power: Despite being a rookie, Kikoru demonstrated impressive prowess by initially releasing 46% of her combat suit’s power during her first attempt with a standard Defense Force combat suit, a feat recognized by Soshiro Hoshina as being at a platoon leader-class level. Following her marksman training, she further improved her capabilities, reaching 55% power release. After rigorous training with Captain Gen Narumi, Kikoru was able to unleash 84% of her combat suit’s power while utilizing Numbers Weapon 4. This number subsequently increased to 88% in a stable form and peaked at an impressive 94%.Ottoman Empire; Şehzade Mehmed Abid (22 April 1848 – 7 May 1848, buried in New Mosque – Refia Sultan türbesi);

  • Enhanced Strength: When donned in her Defense Force combat suit, Kikoru possesses the incredible ability to effortlessly lift a car with one arm. Her physical strength is significantly augmented when she wears Numbers Weapon 4, allowing her to crush kaiju with a single strike and to engage in combat on par with much stronger opponents.

  • Enhanced Speed: While wearing her standard uniform, Kikoru can run significantly faster than most of her peers, leaving them struggling to keep up. When equipped with Numbers Weapon 4, known as the Defense Force’s fastest Numbers weapon, Kikoru can move and fight at speeds that surpass those of trained soldiers, enabling her to evade powerful blitz attacks with ease.

  • Enhanced Endurance: Kikoru’s combat suit is robust enough to withstand shots from Kaiju No. 9, preventing fatal injuries, although the suit may still sustain damage. Even after suffering severe injuries from No. 9’s powerful attacks, she demonstrates remarkable resilience, able to stand and continue fighting. With Numbers Weapon 4, her endurance significantly increases, allowing her to absorb powerful blows from a kaiju like No. 15, though she still bears injuries from the encounters.


  • Kikoru has achieved a high level of skill in axemanship, specifically in her ability to kill kaiju. This exceptional talent has earned her the privilege of wielding her own personal weapon, a giant axe. Her combat prowess with the axe has significantly improved since joining the First Division, showcasing her adaptability and skill in battle. After undergoing training with Gen Narumi, Kikoru’s level of skill and performance has reached a point where it resembles that of a Division Captain, demonstrating her growth and potential as a formidable warrior on the battlefield.

Fighting Style

  • Axe Mastery After being granted a battle axe by the Defense Force, which complements her aggressive and assertive personality, Kikoru exhibited remarkable proficiency in the Squadron Style Axe Technique (斧術, Ono-jutsu). This combat style is tailored for close-range confrontations, allowing her to effectively engage and defeat durable kaiju. Kikoru’s exceptional skills enable her to even injure powerful foes, such as Kaiju No. 10. However, the execution of these advanced techniques comes at a cost, as they significantly drain her stamina and energy during combat.

  • Number Two: Water Skimmer (2式: 水切り, Nishiki: Mizukiri) The second application of the Squadron Style Axe Technique involves generating a shockwave that is released forward precisely at the moment of impact. This technique allows Kikoru to deliver a powerful and clean cut, effectively slicing through her targets with remarkable precision.

  • Number Three: Half-Moon (3式: 半月, Sanshiki: Hangetsu) This technique consists of a brutal rotating axe chop. Kikoru uses her axe in a circular motion, delivering a devastating strike that maximizes damage through momentum. The Half-Moon technique is particularly effective against multiple targets or heavily armored foes, showcasing Kikoru’s strength and precision in combat.

  • Unnamed Number Four (4式, Yonshiki) This technique remains unnamed but is a critical part of Kikoru’s repertoire in the Squadron Style Axe Technique. It showcases her agility and adaptability in battle, allowing her to execute a series of swift, powerful axe slashes that can overwhelm opponents. This technique is often used to create openings in an enemy’s defense, enabling Kikoru to follow up with more powerful attacks.

  • Number Five: Twin Swallows (5式: 双そう燕えん, Goshiki: Sōen) In this technique, Kikoru unleashes a flurry of cross-shaped axe slashes. The speed and precision of the Twin Swallows are designed to catch her opponents off guard, making it difficult for them to mount a defense. This rapid blitzing attack showcases her agility and mastery of the axe, overwhelming her foes in close quarters.

  • Number Six: Daruma Dropper (6式: 達だる磨まお落とし, Rokushiki: Daruma Otoshi) Kikoru executes the Daruma Dropper with four powerful rotating chops, targeting her opponent from head to legs. This technique not only demonstrates her versatility in combat but also her ability to control the flow of the battle. The rotating nature of the strikes makes it tough for enemies to predict her next move, allowing Kikoru to deal significant damage.

  • Ten Hit (十段, Jū-dan) Taking it up a notch, Kikoru’s Ten Hit variation of the Daruma Dropper amplifies her assault to ten slashing attacks instead of just four. This relentless barrage maximizes damage and speed, leaving little room for her opponents to breathe. It’s a true testament to her strength and stamina, making it a go-to move when she wants to finish off her adversaries decisively.


  • Kikoru vs Kaiju No. 9 and Revived Exam Honju (Lost): Chapter 6 – Chapter 7

  • Kikoru, Soshiro Hoshina and Mina Ashiro vs Kaiju No. 10 (Won): Chapter 30 – Chapter 31

  • Kikoru and Kaiju No. 8 vs Gamma (Kaiju No. 9 clone) (Won): Chapter 43 – Chapter 48

  • Kikoru vs Kaiju No. 15 (Won): Chapter 76 – Chapter 85


  • Combat Suit (formerly): Kikoru wears the usual combat suit on the battlefield.The Bellini Card

  • Respirator Mask: Kikoru wears a respirator mask in combat.

  • Numbers Weapon 4 (識別怪獣兵器ナンバーズ4号ごう, Nanbāzu Yon-gō) Kikoru, like her mother Hikari Shinomiya, is compatible with Numbers Weapon 4, a unique combat suit crafted from the remains of Kaiju No. 4. This state-of-the-art suit is the fastest Numbers weapon in the Defense Force, granting Kikoru extraordinary speed on the battlefield. It is also the only weapon in her arsenal capable of flight, allowing her to maneuver quickly and efficiently during combat.

Battle Axes

  • First Battle Axe (formerly; destroyed) The First Battle Axe, marked AX-0112, is a “Failed Prototype” created from the uni-organ of a Honju that generated strong bioelectric potential by contracting its muscle fibers. After being subjugated two years prior in Shinagawa, the axe was designed to be tough and heavy, which made it cumbersome for those without high released power. It features a trigger that, when pulled, releases a shockwave through an electric current. Pulling the trigger while releasing the swing from behind accelerates its force, while releasing it forward increases the impact. Unfortunately, the axe was destroyed during Kikoru’s third encounter with Kaiju No. 9.

  • Second Battle Axe: A second battle axe, marked AX-0113, was later given for Kikoru.

Giant Sword

  • The Giant Sword, designated as 03 5-12066, was intended to be Kikoru’s Custom Weapon and Prototype after she proved herself to Mina Ashiro and Soshiro Hoshina. Crafted from the shell of a Reptilian Kaiju that emerged in Hamamatsu a year prior, the sword was developed by Izumo Tech to be tough yet lightweight. It featured three thrusters on the blunt side of the blade, allowing for a strong and fast swing capable of cutting through three Crustacean-type Yoju. However, despite being considered an “outrageous weapon” in combat, it proved nearly ineffective at cutting through hardened shells, lacking the decisive killing power Kikoru desired in her ideal weapon. The Giant Sword was ultimately destroyed during its use in battle.


  • Kikoru carries a handgun for long-ranged attacks, equipped with a torch and a laser sight.


  • Before being given her signature axe, Kikoru would use a rifle.


  • Kikoru likes to exterminate kaiju, black tea (especially Darjeeling tea), and big dogs.

  • Kikoru’s personal weapon was supposed to be a giant sword, but the author decided an axe for a higher contrast between the rugged weapon and her character.

  • Kikoru ranked #5 in the first character popularity polls.

  • The Daruma Dropper technique takes its name from the japanese children game Daruma Otoshi, played by hitting a Daruma doll in five pieces with a hammer without making it fall. Kikoru’s technique, in fact, cuts the target in five pieces from head to legs, similarly to Daruma dolls.

  • Despite only being a regular officer, Kikoru’s unleashed combat power of 94% is the highest out of any non-captain ranked officer.

  • kikoru seems to have romantic feelings for Kafka seen in anime in several episodes